Monday, July 22, 2013

A Morning Cup of Rage

The best part of waking up isn't the Folgers in your cup. Well, not entirely. The coffee is part of it. There's nothing like a little pick me up to start your day. Many people drink coffee in the morning. I'd estimate the number to be in the billions. If so then I'm working in the wrong industry. But how many people grab a morning cup of coffee like I do? Not many people I guess. Mostly the kind of people who go to meetings. I slipped a little whiskey in there. Shhhhh.... Don't tell my Mother. She's still sleeping anyway. But I'm on vacation which means that I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want, with a few exceptions of course. I still can't fly or look good in a bathing suit. But drinking at 730am is one of them.

I really only have one way to live my life now. Well, two actually - "fuck it, let's rage" and "when all else fails, rage." They kind of go hand in hand. I'm raging for two now. I have been ever since April 25th, 2011. That means I have to be doubly great for the both of us. Timmy was great on his own so I have a lot of work to do before I leave this world. It's not easy. Nothing worth doing is easy. I put up with so much bull from others and often have to walk alone in this journey to seek out new ways to rage. But the key is that I'm still doing it. You can stop the man but you can't stop the rage. The rage lives on in every life he touched. Some of them just don't know it yet. I'm here to teach them. To show them the way. To help them try best as they can to carry on. I am a certified Rage Instructor. Who certified me? Jesus Christ himself. So if you have a problem with that then you can take it up with God. I didn't think so.

And it all starts with a morning cup of rage. It doesn't have to be coffee with booze. I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be yourself. So here is your first lesson - rage is whatever you want it to be. Everyone needs to find their inner rage and embrace it. Find that way that you want to live your life and let it control your brain, heart, soul and extremities. Be yourself. Chase dreams. Don't let anyone shoot you down from being the person you want to be. It's a difficult journey. Society, negative people in your life and your own self doubts will often try to hold you back. Don't let them. Wake up every morning and put yourself in a position to be a better person. To enjoy your life. To think positively and surround yourself with people who do the same. To rage. Rage for yourself and rage for others. It starts today. Stop waiting until tomorrow. There is no tomorrow unless you get through today. And you might as well make today count. Because sadly one of these days you won't have a tomorrow to rage. So rage today my friends. Rage all day, every day. Until the wheels fall off.

 - pookon -

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