Monday, September 05, 2005

The Incredible Hulk

Sometimes, I wish that I could manifest my anger just as Bruce Banner does, and become the Incredible Hulk. Becoming huge and green, smashing all obstacles that stand in my way; that is all that I've ever hoped to be. My anger boils inside of me even as I type, and I yet have no method to channel it through. Although cursed, the Hulk is lucky because he has a shape and form to channel his anger through, and that comes in the form of a monstrous green being. When someone pisses him off, he becomes enraptured, and basically f***s shit up. I hate to be vulgar, but that is exactly the way that it is. The Hulk does some damage when he is angry. I would certainly would like to be in his situation because then I could do something when I am mad. Instead, I just sit here and make excuses and type meaningless rants about wanting to be the Hulk. Look at what I have become. I used to be a prominent figure within this community, but know I'm just a useless has been that never was who can't even turn into the Hulk. I'm not even the pointless brilliant scientist that Bruce Banner was, he at least was respected by his peers. I am nothing, and cannot live up to the anger that I bring across. If only I was saturated with gamma radiation then this world would be a darker and more fearful place to anyone that would come into contact with me...


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