Wednesday, January 11, 2006

WSoBP Day 5 (January 4) - Beer Pong Finals (long version)

You already read some highlights that I posted on January 6th. This is the full play-by-play account of the final day of play, which included the playoff round. A lot happened, but we didn;t get to play a lot because there were only 32 teams, and it was double elimination. It wasn't the greatest day ever (that was yesterday, Jan. 3) but it was still a hell of a lot of fun.

11:15 am - Waiting to begin the playoffs. I'm already 3 Miller Lite's in the hole, as well as 1 deep in Monster drinks. Playboy TV is here filming some of this for a segment. To demonstrate the game, Road Rules castmember and Playboy Playmate Novemeber 2004 Cara Zavaleta played an exhibiton game against Duncan and Billy, the event organizers. None of them were very good, so the game went on for a while. Cara asked for a volunteer to be her partner, and Casey Riley immediatly rose to the occasion. He performed well, but naturally let Cara take all of the credit. Smooth move Riley, but it won't win you the $10,000 grand prize.

11:55 am - Fresno and I won our 1st playoff game amid the onlooking of every writer there and constant video cameras in our faces. It was tough to play under all of that pressure, and our game came down to 1 - 1. I barely hit any shots, but at least we won. Brodey/Balkman lost, as did Riley/Phany. Lorge/Casey won, meaning that they will play Fresno/Iceman in round 2. I want both of us to win, but that can't be possible so I'll cheer for us. I got interviewed by Cara for Playboy TV, and told her that if I won, I'd throw a sexy party, complete with a sailor hat, tacky 70's music and scantily clad women (ala Stewie Griffin.) I invited her and anyone else whe knew from playboy to come along, which made her laugh. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I was drunk and really didn't care.

12:20 pm - Just lost to Lorge/Casey. I guess it was expected because we're not that good in the CHBPL. It's rough, but I really shouldn't dwell on it much longer. The more I think about it, the more angry I will be. They better not make me anygry...You wouldn't like me when I'm anagry. I'll turn into the Hulk and tear this mother down. Hopefully I can manifest that anger into a victory in the next round. If not, then at least we were the #4 team going into the playoffs. They can't take that away from us. We found out later on that we may or may not have beaten them because of the redemption/rebuttle rule. Everyone was unclear about how the rules worked, so I'm calling shenanigans on this game's procedure. Who won? According to the tournament, they did, but I'm always going to question that ruling.

1:00ish pm - Brodey/Balkman are going into double overtime. They established a rebuttle rule for the playoffs, but did a poor job of describing and enforcing it. Because of that unclear ruling, they lost, but we established ourselves as the most hated group in beer pong. During Brodey/Balkman's game, most everyone in the audience was cheering against Milwaukee because we've been loud and supportive of our teams, and I guess we've rubbed too many people the wrong way. I was wasted and standing right behind Brodey and Balkman, shouting at the other team. There were times when they stopped paying attention to the game and started paying attention to me, but they were good enough to not get psyched out. Maybe it also was that Brodey/Balkman didn't bring their A game. Whatever it was, we've done our city proud.

2:20 pm - Well, this Cinderella story has come to an end. We lost, and are officially out of the tournament. When we got beat by Dixie Normous, we didn;t get a rebuttle because they hit the last 2 cups in succesion. To tell you the truth, my heart wasn't really in this game. First off, I didn't know that we were even playing at this time, and no one from Milwaukee was there to support us. Ah well, at least we showed everbody where we came from.

3:30 pm - We're all out of the tournament now, but a lot of drama has taken place. Riley almost got into a fight with Raphael from the Ninja Turtles. I know that he's cool but rude, but he didn;t have to get all upset that we razzed him a little bit. He was mad because we were cheering against him because he takes the game too seriously and he was there for the money instead of the beer pong. His team was also the #1 seed going in to the plaoffs, so naturally everyone wanted to see an upset. Riley may have taken it too far, but this guy snapped when someone made fun of him. He got enraged, and I tried to calm him down by telling jokes. I opened my wallet and asked him, "If I give you some money out of my wallet, will you promise not to kill me?" This only angered him more, and I'm surprised that I'm still alive. He blew it way out of proportion, and I'm glad we didn;t have to fight him because it would have been a lost cause and he wouldn't have learned his lesson.

4:00ish pm - Team France played against Slippery Fetus for the championship and the $10,000, but I really didn't care. I stuck around just to see how good they were, and I think that Fresno and I could've taken them easily. There was some kind of awards ceramony afterwards, where they gave away the check. They gave out some other random awards, but i really didn't care.

I may be wrong, but this is what I believe the final standings were:

Casey/Lorge - 6th
Iceman/Fresno - 10th
Riley/Phany - 15th
Brodey/Balkman - 20th
Salmon/Aaron - 50th (Despite not making the playoffs, they are still ranked 50 out of 83 teams.)

Not too bad if you ask me. Find me another city that has 4 teams ranked in the top 20 in the country in beer pong, and I'll stop telling everyone that Milwaukee's the best beer pong city.

7:30ish pm - playing beer pong in room 5130 with the Canadian guys from the tournamnet. Just like we did the other night, they stole a brown-top table from outside the convention center and set it up in the room. We were playing a 10-cup game, and I won 2 in a row with this girl named Katie. I shot over 50%, and everyone was amazed by my skill and knew that I was for real. While I was standing outside after I lost my 3rd game, Salmon came and joined us and founjd someone that he could talk soccor with. People (including Billy's Dad) were doing a beer bong out of a pink flamingo that held about 5 beers. I had a few more beers then wandered towards our room to see what was going on.

8:30 pm - about to play beer pong against the journalists; the writer from and the one from Toro magazine. The Godfather (Brodey) and I will have to take them down. And we did.

9:39 pm - What started out as me walking to the soda machine for a Coke ended with me playing beer pong in 3 different hotel rooms. The journalists stuck around for a good while and played a bunch of games with us. I don't really remember when we ended, but I know several people stopped in to play, and we all had a great time. Beer pong truely is the one sport that will unite all mankind as one. There was so much beer pong going on. We were being so loud that the security guards were upset at us. We ended up moving the tables to the tennis courts. I don't think they played too long, because I saw everyone heading towards the casino. We were hanging out with Billy's Dad, who was like 60 but still knew how to party. I found out from some of the guys that I have a nickname other than Iceman. Some people refered to me as the OCD guy because of the shooting approach that I take. They are of course refering to obsesive compulsive disorder because I have to do the same thing every single time before I shoot the ball.It's more of a routine thatn anything else, and it just helps to steady my nerves before I shoot.

We kept on playing until everyone got tired. I then joined Brodey at the bar where he was playing alongside 1/2 of Team France. They were wiping out the competion as only the Godfather and a $10,000 winner could. I watched them for a little while, but decided that my time would be better spent gambling or surfing the internet.

1:30 - 3:30 am - I just figured out what a big dork I am. I spent 2 hours in a casino, but I wasn't gambling...I was on the internet.I've been feeling a little deprived, and I get all giddy whenever the connection bars glow green.

After that, I went back to the room to get a few hours of sleep. We are supposed to be out of the hotel by 9:30, and we plan on spending the entire day in Las Vegas before starting the 30-hour drive home. I know I'm skipping out on my sleep, but I've been having way too much fun to waste what precious time I have out here on sleep. I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I get home...

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