Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pookon's Ill Blog presents: From the Lost Archives...

I guess you can call them the found archives now. But they were never really lost to begin with. I knew exactly where they were - sitting dormant in my unposted section of this blog, trapped in limbo in the "editing stage." What are they? Blog ideas that for whatever reason never got posted or completed. I decided to pick up yet another daunting task and post them you all of you (Kevin) to see, since I think that some of them were actually pretty good ideas. I will now alter any of the old text (and I will include the date from when I wrote it) but simply add new ideas or try to explain my ideas better. Or maybe I might just leave it as is and post it. Who knows. Just another project that I am taking on that prevents me from meeting new people, getting a girlfriend, falling in love, getting married, having kids, etc. You know, all the things that all my friends and people my age are doing right now. I'm a bit of a renegade, so I'm going to go the depressing route and say screw all that junk, I'm gonna sit alone in a dark room listening to 80's pop music and type shit on the internet that no one will probably ever read. Cause that's certainly a more useful thing than trying to better myself, right? I mean, why try to be like everyone else, right? The world needs losers too. There's got to be some kind of balance. Everyone can't winners. That's why the first version of The Matrix failed cause mankind cannot live in a perfect world. Agent Smith taught me that shit. Then he called me Mr. Anderson. I said no, my name is Ted "Theodore" Logan.

But I guess we all make choices. I could choose to not drink PBR and eat sandwiches bigger than my head. I could choose to socialize with people of the opposite sex. I could choose to find a better job. I could chose to not be a loser. I certainly have the ability to make those choices. But for now I am going to choose to post some of my blog entries that would have never seen the light of day if not for the daring adventurer "Sconnie" Reck discovering these lost archives. I hope if you do end up reading this shit, you'll enjoy it. It's because of these blog posts that I don't have 2 1/2 kids and a white picket fence. It's all your fault blog posts. DAMN YOUSE! GOD DAMN YOUSE ALL TO HELL!!

- pookon -

1 comment:

kevin said...

damn youse all to hell is right. only those as super smart as me will be left alive to bitterly cry YOUSE BASTARDS!! question: how can you have 2 1/2 kids? are you implying that you'd have a dwarf? are you implying were not really here?