Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 7 - The Weary Traveler

Most of the time when I record these episodes I don't brainstorm any of my ideas. I just hit record and go with it. That's one of the fun things about being creative. But one idea that I wanted to talk about was if my friends and family would accept me if I suddenly had a disability. Of course if I was crippled in a car accident they would still love me, but what if I had a stroke and the only thing that changed was that I now spoke with a British accent? I know it sounds like a weird idea, but then again I'm a pretty weird person. I wanted to let you about this idea before you listen so you would understand why I am talking with an accent. I was down in South Carolina visiting my brother so the first half doesn't take place during a drive like you are used to hearing. And I also never really got to explore the idea because I was recording first outside of a bar and then outside an IHop at the wee hours of the morning and was interrupted each time by a member of my traveling party. I only got around 10 minutes of material but I thought I would include it here. Why not? It didn't really fit anywhere else and it was a topic I felt like addressing. I would revisit it someday and delve a little deeper into the idea of acceptance in the event of unexpected change. I will talk more about this topic someday. I promise you that. If only to once again speak with a British accent. I get great joy out of that. And isn't that what this is all about? Finding the joys in life? Why should I deny myself of that? 

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 7 - The Weary Traveler, so that you can listen to it whenever you feel like it:

The second half of the podcast was recorded on a Monday night when I was driving home from my Dad's house after he picked me up from the airport. In this sense it was more like the traditional Drive to Stay Alive recordings that I have been doing. In this one I do identify a couple of things that I love about myself and figure out that I am a unique person who has talents and certain quirks that sets me apart from the rest of the population. To sum it up I'm pretty damn random. That allows me to be flexible, find humor and entertainment in every situation and to constantly avoid boredom. It's a great quality to have and I count myself among the lucky who have figured out how to do that. Another thing that I figured out is how much I love my family (and most importantly my Sister) and how much they mean to me. If I need one reason to stay alive I've found one - to be there for my family when they need me. And I suppose to be there even when they don't need me. But my family is more important to me than anything else in this world, so I'm going to do my damnedest to stick around and watch over them. If that is my only reason to exist than it's the greatest reason ever. That very well may be my Drive to Stay Alive. Who knows man. I just hope that when all is said and done I will have served my purpose. That's all I can ask for.

 - pookon -

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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