Sunday, March 17, 2013

Drunken Movie Reviews - Flight

I've been a big fan of Robert Zemeckis for a long time. After all, he is the Director of my favorite movie trilogy of all time - Back to the Future. He also did Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump, Contact, What Lies Beneath and Cast Away. And then for whatever reason he went into motion capture for several years and did The Polar Express, Beowulf and A Christmas Carol. Flight is his first live action movie in 12 years. Needless to say I was anticipating this movie. But I didn't go see it in theaters because I really don't like to do that. I just prefer to watch them at home. With booze. And without pants. When it came out on DVD I had it at the top of my Netflix queue and I brought it over to my Mom's house on a Saturday for movie night with her, Eddie, my Papa and my Sister. I know that I saw the the trailer and I'm pretty sure that I read one review, but for the most part I avoided anything about the movie because I didn't want to spoil anything about the movie aside from the synopsis - an airline pilot saves a flight from crashing, but an investigation into the malfunctions reveals something troubling. When I sat down to watch it with my family that night (we were in the middle of a Denzel Washington run that had us watching Inside Man the week before and Deja Vu the following week) I had no idea I was going to have the most awkward movie watching experience in my life.

I spoil the shit out of this movie in the Drunken Movie Review below so don't listen to it unless you've already seen the movie or you don't give a shit about that sort of thing. I'd also like to point out that my review is as R-rated as the movie is, so please exercise caution if you are going to listen at work or around small children. In fact, sequester yourself away from the world for 20 minutes and check this out. I promise you that (like all my Drunken Movie Reviews) that it is more entertaining than the movie itself if you're in to my style of humor. I hope you take the time to check out shit like this because I sure as hell have a great time producing this content. Click play below or save the file for later for episode featuring booze, drugs, nudity, debauchery and everything thing else that sends you to a church to confess all of your sins.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of Drunken Movie Reviews - Flight:

I have a really good time with this and I invite anyone who wants to join me to watch a movie, get drunk and then review it to set up an appointment with my secretary. Since I can't afford one (and no female college students have applied for the internship) I have to be my own secretary for the time being. So email me, Facebook me, or Tweet at my drunk ass if you want to take part in this nonsense. It's a lot of fun and I'll even supply the movie AND the booze!! It's a win/win for you pal! C'mon do it now! What are you waiting for?!? C'mon!! Agh ga lah ugh ahh lagh! (garbled Arnold Schwarzenegger yelling)

 - pookon -

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