Monday, March 11, 2013

The Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 16 - One Single Goal

I recorded this episode a few days after Valentine's Day. If you've ever been single this time of the year then you know how depressing it can be. You get reminded that you're single everywhere you go, when you watch TV, go on Facebook and various other ways. The card/gift companies, flower stores, jewelry stores and restaurants thrive off of this holiday where people are expected to buy things for their significant other. The one good part of not being in a relationship is that you don't have to deal with all of that shit and the drama that comes with it. Other than that being single really sucks. Especially when every one you know is either married or in a relationship. I've been single forever and I've decided to change that. But it's going to be a real challenge. For starters I'm a piece of shit so I've started working on my personal problems through this podcast. I think over the last few months I've got my mind right so now I can start getting my grind right. And therein lies the problem. 

I'm unattractive by ever standard of every race, culture, social group and living breathing human on the Earth. If there are other people (aliens) in the Universe I'm pretty sure they find me unattractive too. That's because I'm fat and ugly. God gave me a decent looking body but I screwed it up by eating too much and not working out. It may be too late for me to change but I'm hoping there's still some time left to skinny up and trick a girl into marrying me. I wish I had a boatload of money so I could one of those mail-order brides. That would solve all my problems because she would have to hang out with me because I have money and she wants it. But I don't have money so I'm just going to have to use my sparkling personality, sense of humor and good looks to get a girlfriend. I don't know have any of those. In this podcast I discuss the lack of these things and my plan to get them.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 16 - One Single Goal

My goal by the end of the year is to be in a committed relationship, and I don't mean locked up in the Mental Hospital with some guy who thinks he is Dr. Teeth from the Electric Mayhem. I want to have a girlfriend. It's going to take a lot of work but everything that is worth it always does. I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of thing and that's not my way of coming out of the closet. I don't like dudes. I like chicks. But I've just been single so long that I'm so used to being alone. I'm always alone. That was actually the reason I got a cat because I got tired of hanging out by myself all the time. But as awesome as Coach Gordon Bombay was and Major Korben Dallas is, they are not ideal companions. I love them and they love me, but pets are different than humans. I want a human to love me. And that starts with me loving myself. I don't like my life so I have no choice but to change it. Easier said than done. I don't think I can do it. I might as well just give up on life. But I can't do that. I won't do that. I can't find my drive to stay alive if I quit now.

- pookon -

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