Saturday, March 22, 2014

25 Brewers in 25 Days - 2014 - Overall Season Prediction

If you've ever been to my blog before then you know I talk a lot about the Milwaukee Brewers on here. This team occupies the majority of my time from March - September and in the offseason I can't help but countdown and wait in anticipation for another year of baseball. I love the Brewers. I always have and I always will. But talking about them and doing featured articles on every aspect of the team has become more like work. I hate work and I do anything I can to avoid it. I stopped loving these Brewers articles and promised myself that I was done with things like "25 Brewers in 25 Days". I was ready to let go of it despite the fact that it would signal an end to an era. I've been doing this segment since 2010 and I've introduced some new ideas along the way that have delighted the small but loyal fanbase that I've been able to amass. 

I'd like to think that I have a very interesting perspective on the Brewers along with a unique writing style coupled with my trademarked humor that makes my observations worth reading/watching/listening to. My #1 goal is to always entertain. People read enough for work, school, to learn on their own, etc. and any more on top of that can often be a bit overwhelming. At the end of the day people just want to be entertained. I'm the same way when I'm writing. I don't make any money off of this and I give up having a social life in order to provide this material. So for me to keep on doing it, it has to be entertaining to me as well. It always was until recently, so I was going to quit. But then something happened.

I was burned out. I was tired. I was depressed. I was mad at the World and I wanted to drive my car into a quarry with a Groundhog on my lap. And then I took a vacation down to Phoenix, AZ and got away from the World for a week. I remembered what I loved about life. I relaxed. I smiled. I listened to some music while driving through the desert. I got all teary eyed while looking at a beautiful sunset. I went swimming nearly every day. I watched some baseball. And I decided that I still wanted to do this "25 in 25" segment on the blog. But since I was away from home I decided to do a little something different. Because I often write way too much (I'm doing it right now) I figured I could shorten the length of these articles by doing videos at various locations. Why say it in text form if I can be all modern and do it with video and audio? I think for the most part it worked out. 

Check out my first video which covers my Overall Predictions for the 2014 Milwaukee Brewers, recorded at the Fremont Street Experience in fabulous Downtown Las Vegas in Nevada:

My Aunt and cousins live down in Scottsdale, AZ so I decided to go visit them for a few days. Of course I was also planning on watching a couple of Spring Training games. A few weeks before I left I decided that it would be fun to have an adventure while I was down there, realizing that Las Vegas is only a 5 hour drive through the desert. So I went, lost a lot of money and got real drunk. But I also had an amazing time and some more stories to tell. Isn't that what life is all about? Raging balls to the walls until the wheels fall off? I certainly did that. This video was recorded on the morning when I was heading out of town on March 18 to make the 5 hour drive back to Phoenix and get on a 11:30pm red eye flight back to Wisconsin. I was too drunk both nights I was out here to record at night when this place is hopping, but you still get an idea of what Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas is like if you've never been there. All things must come to an end and I left Las Vegas a sad, poor and broken man. But god damn it did I have a great time.

I decided to taper my expectations a little bit because as we saw in 2013, health is a key factor in the Milwaukee Brewers competing for the Division Title and a Playoff Spot. I still have a good amount of faith that they will be a winning team and be in the playoff race deep into September because I put $80 of my hard earned money on the line. That is down from past years but none of my Milwaukee Brewers bets have ever paid off so I guess now is the time to be a little more realistic. 
  • The Milwaukee Brewers will finish with a record of 84-78, which will be good enough to make me some money in Vegas but not good enough to make the Playoffs.
  • The St. Louis Cardinals will finish in 1st Place, the Pittsburgh Pirates in 2nd, the Milwaukee Brewers and Cincinnati Reds will battle it out for 3rd and the Chicago Cubs will finish in 5th (otherwise known as last) place.
  • The Milwaukee Brewers will be represented by Carlos Gomez and Jonathan Lucroy to the 85th MLB All-Star Game at Target Field in Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Thanks to the 2nd Wild Card, the Milwaukee Brewers will be in the playoff race deep into September, which should allow them to once again draw over 3 million fans.
  • Because of this brutal Wisconsin Winter which will carry on seemingly forever, the roof at Miller Park will remain closed until Memorial Day.
I've already expressed my devotion to this team by renewing my 20-game Season Ticket Package so I've spent enough money proving myself as a true fan. And if that doesn't sway you then I've got some Brewers gear that I can never take off (in the form of not one, but two Brewers tattoos) so don't you EVER question my loyalty to this team. Wait, why did I get so defensive just now? I think that everyone reading this understands what they're dealing with and wouldn't want to cross me. I'm dangerous. I'm a complete badass. And if you don't believe me I go get my Mother and have her talk to your Mother so that she can tell you to stop making stuff up about me. That's how I roll. Why waste the time and energy fighting your own battles when your Mom will fight them for you? I don't have time for that shit and I don't have time for this shit anymore. Check back tomorrow for another article and another video. Thanks for reading and go Brewers!

 - pookon -

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