Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Start of the Blog

I guess I'm going into this kind of blind, because after all, I have no freakin' idea what blog stands for. I guess it's one of those new-age technical terms, kind of like spam (which used to be that fake ham stuff that poor people buy but now stands for unsolicited email or something.) I guess this is where my lack of schooling kind of shows, even though I've been in college long enough that people should start calling me Scott M.D. Hell, I'd even settle for Scott R.N. right about now. I'm getting off of the subject and spouting random stuff, which is something that you'll see me do quite often. I'm starting this blog because I always wanted to post random thoughts and observations (much like I do in my journals) but never really found an outlet for them. I do have the website ( but I can only write things that pertain to the pictures that I post and can't really just go off about something. Well, hopefully I keep at this and bring you some funny stuff. Let me know what's going on in your Mr. Roger's neighborhood and hopefully we can be neighbors. Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i accidentally started from the back...this is the real beginning