Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"7 in 7" - Go Bananas - Day 5

For serious I think I'm going to end this. I'm done going bananas. I didn't get my desired results but I did get something completely unexpected. But the whole reason I started doing this is because I thought it was funny and it would be a good joke for and on the Twitter. Go Bananas he says! Wahoooooooo! Look at that guy! He's freaking nuts! But it's not that funny anymore because I am the joke. It started with them laughing with me and turned into them laughing at me. I'm pretty much a failure in life and I need to rectify that if I ever want to amount to anything. But here's the thing. I still got time to change things and I have the tools to do it. So in that regard this experiment is a success. I can't promise to follow through with this because you know me. I pretty much stay the same and I don't welcome change. So we'll see what happens when this little adventure comes to an end. 

I really don't know what to do with this space right now. I can't really explain my future actions to you because I don't really understand what is happening to me and how I go about turning this idea into something plausible. That's weird for me not to pour out my thoughts and feelings on here because I 'm usually pretty candid and overtly truthful on this blog where I can do it semi-anonymously. I say it that way because you know who I am even though I try to hide behind a child-hood moniker. And you may someday call me out on things that I put on here. And then I'm held liable for them. But the reason that I can mostly hide is because the majority of people don't take the time to come on here and read what I have to say. And the people who do make it probably don't have the attention spans to bury themselves in these words. There is a whole lot of them and for the most part it's all nonsense. So I don't expect you to get to this part with your sanity in tact.

So I guess this is where I leave you for now. I'm sorry that I don't have some kind of epic conclusion for you or a grand finale. That's because this is just the end of this chapter. But don't worry, in this live action version of choose your own adventure I get to decide what happens next. And I'm sure that I will make a whole lot of interesting choices in this adventure before the story comes to a close. So that's it. This may be one of the lamest things I've ever written because it doesn't make sense and it isn't interesting at all. This is why I only write when I feel inspired instead of trying to meet a deadline or a quota. I promised some daily interaction here on the site and I feel like I must come on here and give you an update as to where I am in this little departure from my usual life. Sometimes I feel like I will just be able to crank out some text when the time is right and for the most part I am able to do it. But then there comes times like right now and I am basically typing out what I am thinking so that I do have something to share with you right now. I would want to have it any other way but I can't always be on top of my game man. After all, I have been eating nothing but bananas for the past 5 days so I probably don't the energy to fuel my brain power right now. So you just have to come back here when I eat a couple of pounds of Smarties and explode on a sugar high. Or until I have a couple of pulls from the whiskey bottle. That's sure to be exciting.

Bananas Consumed: 12

 - pookon -

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