Saturday, February 16, 2013

Drunken Movie Reviews - God Bless America

For this column I'm going to seek out movies that most people probably haven't even heard of. If not for Jim Law and Johnny Moreno of The Joblo Movie Podcast on my favorite movie site, I wouldn't know of any of these movies either. But they sound interesting enough to watch and so I'll do that and then give my drunken review.  This episode is a movie from 2011 titled God Bless America. It was written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait (otherwise known as that guy with the nervous gravely voice from the Police Academy sequels and Mr. Floppy from Unhappily Ever After) and starring Bill Murray's brother Joel and some jail-bait piece of ass Tara. If you hate Reality TV and have ever wanted to kill your co-workers because all they do is regurgitate shit they learned from watching TMZ or won't shut up about the Kardashians, Biggest Loser or American Idol then this movie is for you. I don't really want to spoil it for you but Joel Murray does everything that you wish you had the balls to do if you say fuck morals and stop listening to your conscience. It's a pretty wicked look at society and how stupid we've become. I haven't seen this kind of truthful commentary on the current and future state of mankind since Mike Judge's 2006 gem Idiocracy. If you haven't seen that movie then I highly recommend it. God Bless America is a movie that I really liked but at the same time felt really guilty for liking it. It's an awful movie but the things that it brings up about American Culture are so spot on that it becomes rather satisfying to see how they handle them. You'll understand that better once you watch this movie or listen to my spoiler-filled review below.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of Drunken Movie Reviews - God Bless America:

My movie selections are a little unorthodox on purpose. Who wants a review of The Hobbit or the Avengers? There's millions of those all over the internet so go do a Google search if that's what you're looking for. I intend to review movies that you've probably never heard of or that you think is beneath you. I can find a redeeming quality in every movie no matter how much it sucks. And then there will be some movies that I had no expectations for and they totally blew my mind. So what movie will I review next? You have no idea where I'm going with this thing so make sure you check back every week for another Drunken Movie Review. I can't promise to really tell you what's going on in the movie but I will promise you that I will do my best to recall these flicks. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. I hope you enjoy this column folks, and here's to ya Hollywood!

 - pookon -

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