Thursday, February 21, 2013

With Great Beard Comes Great Responsibility

I don't post enough everyday content on here. Everything is topic based such as my Brewers posts, The Drive to Stay Alive or my Drunken Movie Reviews. While I do love all of those things, they kind of limit what I can say to a point because I have to fall within a certain, althogh self imposed, structure. Now that I have a new phone that is more obnoxiously big than I am, it is easier to type a couple of paragraphs up while I'm away from my computer. So I'm going to post some shit whenever it comes to me and see what happens. Who knows man. It could be sweet or it could be another failed venture. But at least you can't give me shit for not trying.

The title of this post and the picture really say it all. But of course I have to expand upon that. I've been one lazy bastard lately and I haven't shaved since Christmas when I last had to look presentable. Since then I've pretty much been living a Hermit's life except for going to work. I've been drunk most of the time and didn't give a shit about my appearance so this is what happened. I look like I just woke up from a coma. I've seen hobos that look more handsome than I do right now. I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich last night and it was ugly. There was peanut butter everywhere and I was as sticky as Winnie the Pooh face deep in a honey comb. It just wasn't pleasant, so now it's time for a change.

I've shaved before. Duh. Or else I'd have the world's biggest beard. Well probably not, but you could hide contraband in that thing. But if you want to have a beard you have to control it lest you let it control you. And I fell victim to it. I let it stand as a symbol of my complacency. My inability to go anywhere in my life. My laziness. It makes me look like I don't give a shit. Some people can pull off a sweet beard. I can't. I look like an asshole. So it's time to change.

But that's where I'm going to leave you today. I have the path all mapped out for change but I'm not ready to talk about it yet. If you've been followinge over the years on this blog it's no different than before but this time I'm ready to not accept failure. I've been a disappointment for my entire life and I can't keep doing it anymore. So check back later for that if you care. And if you don't then join the club. Seriously. There is a club for people who don't give a shit about me. It's called everyone. You're already in it until you decide to help out a fellow human who is just trying to turn their life around. That club is always open and accepting new members.

- pookon -

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep moving forward, bud! Look at the latest picture of Boyang on Facebook. If he can do it, so can you. That should be all the motivation you need. Don't accept failure. Life has just begun.

- Kevin