Monday, February 04, 2013

The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 13 - The Sum of A Life

Obituaries are harder to write than they are to read. That's a given. The purpose of them is to provide information with the most important (and most depressing) news that they have passed. After that there are the facts - their family (parents, siblings, spouse, etc), funeral information and a couple of words about their lives. But how do you sum up a life in a short paragraph? You can't. That's why you continue to keep their memory alive by remembering what they taught you and living your life to the fullest for them, raging for them if you will. You might think I'm talking about Timmy and I kind of am from an experience standpoint. But the thing that brought this episode to fruition was finding out someone I hadn't talked to in nearly 10 years had recently died. I won't get into details but I heard about his passing from a friend and then read the obituary on Facebook. And even though I knew nothing about him over the last decade I couldn't help but marvel at how amazing his life sounded and how much it seemed like he had impacted the people whom he had made contact with during his life. It was just a paragraph but his life summed up in that blip sounded better than mine. I hate to make this about me but hell it's my podcast so I suggest you deal with it. I couldn't help but think that my life has been a waste so far and that I had basically accomplished nothing in 31 years on this planet. I started thinking about what my obituary would contain. I don't think I would like it. And why should I? There would be nothing worth reading in there so you should probably avoid it at all costs. Hopefully you'll never have to read it. Because reading an obituary is a really hard thing to do. But when you do, it makes you think about so many things. And you know, when I think I say them out loud on the Drive to Stay Alive. And you can hear them by clicking below...

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 13 - The Sum of A Life

I need to find something to be happy about because I don't know about you, but I'm getting really tired of the depressing shit. But that's life man. I'm in a low place right now and I'm just going to have to dig myself out. That's because no one is going to help me. I've been doing this podcast for over 3 months and have yet to get any feedback from anyone or something as simple as a pat on the back telling me that it's going to be ok. That's because no one wants to listen to me bitching and moaning about my problems. Everyone has problems. Deal with it pal. But it does make me realize that I am the only one that can fix what is wrong with me. So I alone am faced with the task of figuring out the solution. That is the hardest part because I don't even know the answer yet. But I do know that when I figure it all out I'm going to be a hell of a better person for having picked myself up. If only I could just fast forward to that part instead of watching this show play at 1/4th speed. If only it was that easy. But life isn't easy pal. Deal with it.

 - pookon -

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