Monday, February 11, 2013

The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 14 - That's a Real Nice Ski Mask

It was real cold outside this Monday morning when I recorded this episode but that's not the reason why I wore a ski mask. I wore it because it was funny. In fact the only reason why I own one was because I thought it was funny. When I was at Goodwill with Jenny we found it and it was only $3 so I decided to buy it. And so far it has been the best $3 I have ever spent in my entire life. The thing is no one really needs a ski mask, not even skiers. They'd be better off wearing a normal hat and goggles. Come to think of it, have you ever seen someone wearing a ski mask that wasn't robbing a bank or a convenience store? No! That's because normal people don't wear ski masks. But I was wearing one today because I'm anything but normal. I have a really good story about it but I'm not going to spoil it in text form. If you want to hear it then you just need to click the play button below or save a copy to listen to whenever you feel like it. And in case you are worried that this episode is as worthless as a ski mask then fear not - I come up with a really good metaphor for the ski mask that will make sense if you are willing to give me an hour of your time. Once a week. Sorry pal but that's kind of what goes on around this joint. This is a Drive to Stay Alive and I need someone to ride shotgun. Are you willing to get in the car with a deranged lunatic? I thought so.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 14 - That's a Real Nice Ski Mask

We all wear masks to hide our fears, insecurities and blah blah blah analytic metaphorical "I went to graduate school and I have a Doctorate in Psychology" bullshit that those people tell you. To be quite honest with you I have no idea what they are talking about. Shit, I have no idea what I'm talking about in these podcasts but I'm going to keep on talking until I figure this life out. And that's all part of the drive my friends. Keep on going until it all makes sense. I just hope that I don't run out of gas or my car breaks down. Wait... are we talking about life or driving cars? Now I'm lost. Better stop at the nearest station and ask for directions.

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