Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's in My Head - #12: The Beer is Going Right to My Head

It's hard to think straight when the beer is going right to your head. I can't exactly tell you why, but after I had consumed only about 20% of my beer, I was already feeling a little light headed. Of course there were some extenuating circumstances. The beer I was drinking was Abbey Triple from the Sprecher Brewing Company. If you're not familiar with that beer, trust me when I say that you get slapped in the face pretty hard by the 8.5% alcohol content (by comparison, Miller Lite is 4.2%). We were also drinking out of 1 litre mugs (which are approximately 34 fluid ounces), so 20% is a pretty fair amount. On top of that, we were swinging on playground swings. So after I had that first 20%, I already knew there is no way this night will end well.

So here we are now. The beer went right to my head and then there was really nothing in there. And I'm okay with that. You know why? Instead of sitting around worrying about humanity's biggest problems or how I'm going to pay off all my medical bills or what I need to do to get girls to like me, I just had a good time. I wasn't thinking about yesterday. I wasn't thinking about tomorrow. Hell, I wasn't even thinking about today. I was living life in the moment. I had a beer, I had my best friend, there was live music, I was outside and I was on a playground swing. So what it all boils down to is that there was nothing in my head and that was alright with me. I realize it doesn't make for an interesting or entertaining story, but not everything in life has to be like that.

Sometimes we qualify life as a series of moments: you're born, you say your first word, you take your first step, you have your first birthday, you have your first day of school, blah blah blah, kiss your first girl (or guy), get your first job, graduate from school, move out of the house for the first time, get married, buy your first house, have kids and so on and so on and so on. You all know that kind of crap that people list as significant life moments. Now I don't want to downplay them, because that kind of stuff is important. But what about the days in between those moments? That's what life is really all about - the little things that happen that form who you are and who you are going to be. You don't often talk about them because at the time they just seemed so mundane and normal. Think of how many pictures you take when you go on vacation versus how many you take of "normal" life. It's not even close.

But I will argue that normal life is spectacular as well. You just don't realize it at the time. And that's what this was. This was a real normal day in my life. If not for this "It's in My Head" series of posts, I probably would not have spoken about this day. And although nothing really happened, it didn't matter because for at least some small amount of time, I was having fun and not really caring about all the things that make you feel angry or sad. There was nothing in my head and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Does that make sense to you? Do you ever feel the same way? If you have something instead of nothing, I'd like to know. What's in your head?

- pookon -

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