Tuesday, October 07, 2014

It's in My Head - #7: Did You Ever See that Scene in Scanners?

To be quite honest with you, neither had I until not too long ago. I knew about it from Wayne's World, but I had never seen Scanners. I got the reference, but I wanted to see what it was all about. So I went to this beautiful thing called the Internet and I found the clip on YouTube. You can check it out below but I would exercise caution if I were you. It's pretty brutal (but actually pretty tame compared to the violence we see in movies and TV these days. I still don't understand why people are so obsessed with and OK with extreme violence and gore. But that's another thought for another day). Today this was in my head because it felt like my head was going to explode. I try not to take things too seriously and get all stressed out, but today I couldn't help it. 

Normally I like to leave my work at work. I do not want to think about that place after I've left there. But today it's kind of still in my head. And today what was inside my head made it feel like it was going to explode. We are short staffed at work and also hella busy. I was getting so frustrated at one point that my head started hurting from thinking too much. I had to lean back for second in my chair and just do nothing for a minute. And that's when I started laughing. Cuz right after the pain stopped, I said out loud to myself, did you ever see that scene in scanners when the dude's head blew up? And then I imagined my head exploding (insert explosion noises). The rest of the day was fine after that.

That's about it man. I was thinking too much to notice what was going on in my head and then my head exploded and there was nothing going on in my head. But then I got home and this was in my head. I watch too many movies...

Warning: this scene is definitely messed up. Don't watch it unless you have problems...

There's always something going on in my head, even after it has exploded. I can't stop it man. It's just a part of my life I guess. As long as my head only explodes inside my head instead of exploding for real. We can't have that. I's only October 7th. I have too many more of these to do and I kind of need my head to do it with. It's part of the title. This series of posts wouldn't work if they would be called, "It Would Have Been in My Head, But My Head Exploded and It's Actually Residing in Some Airspace Where My Head Used to Be." That's not as catchy and succinct. So I'm not going to let my head explode so that I can keep the things in my head... in my head. How about you? Is your head still in tact? It didn't explode, did it? If your head is not exploded, I must ask - what's in your head?

 - pookon -

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