Monday, March 17, 2008

I want some pickles

So I went and got some pickles. I've always been an impulse buyer, and the US Economy loves that. I wanted an iPod, so I went out and bought one. Can I afford an iPod? Possibly, but not a $500 iPod with touch screen and wireless internet. When I want something, I flat out go and get it, regardless of my financial situation. That's probably the reason why I don't have a savings account and mounting credit card debt. I know I have a problem, but how can I tell myself no? It always starts small. I wanted some pickles, so I walked to the store and bought a jar. That was one of the best damn jar of pickles I ever ate in my whole life. Was it a good impulse purchase? Absolutely. Did it open the door for new impulse purchases? Hell yeah, which is what really troubles me. I've previously posted how much I hate working, but I spend money like it's going out of style, so I need to keep on working to keep up with my spending. It's a vicious cycle, and I'm stuck in it going round and round and round and round. So when I end up homeless, penniless, toothless, drunk and naked on the streets I'll remember that it all started with wanting some pickles.

- pookon -

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