Friday, March 21, 2008

Rod Stewart voted off of American Idol

With a voice like a crackling record nearing the end of it's rotation cycle, Rod Stewart, I mean Amanda Overmyer was voted off of American Idol. I thought that Americans were stupid, but it turns out that the general population (or at least those who actually waste their time to call and vote) knows what constitutes being a good singer and possessing talent. It's about time. I swear that girl smokes a pack of cigarettes before going up on stage. She sounds like Dorris the makeup lady on The Critic for crying out loud! I thought that someone was sanding down an old table in the garage, but it turned out to be Amanda practicing "Back in the USSR". So she's back in the USSR, eh? She should have stayed there because obviously America doesn't want her. I love that Simon put her in her place when she said that it didn't matter what the judges think, it's all about the fans. Well girl, I guess the fans listened to Simon because he's always right. People boo him because they don't want to hear the truth. He's almost always brutally honest and he tells it exactly like it is. The truth hurts Amanda, just like getting voted off of a reality show with 30 million people watching you lose. That's rough.

So bring over those old Motown records, we'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go on the roof. I'll certainly be listening to The Miracles echoing through the Adams Family home, but I will no longer have to suffer through another song by that chick. So goodbye to the tornado spinning, raspy voiced devil and hello to some singers who actually sing and not just sit up on stage and growl like a hungry lion. The only bad thing about her getting voted off? Now I have to find someone else on the show to make fun of on this blog. Or I could just give up and stop talking about American Idol on this blog, because that is what I think America really wants.

- pookon -

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