Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hunger Strike : Hour 12

I've got a little bit of a weight problem, and the problem with me is that I eat the wrong kinds of foods and I don't exercise like at all. The proper way to fix my problem is to eat right and exercise, but I'm going to take a more drastic approach and go on a huger strike, and see how long I can go without eating before I cave in to the demands. I last ate at 1:30 am last night (another of my horrible eating habits, which is eating crap food right before bed) when I had some french fries and Nacho Cheese Doritos. During this time period of a hunger strike (if I get pretty far into this, I'm going to think of a good cause to strike towards) I can not willingly consume calories, so that means no food, candy, snacks, juice or soda. I obviously will be drinking plenty of water and taking some vitamins, so that my system has something to work off of. Hopefully I can keep this going long enough so that my body starts eating away at the useless fat that is clinging on to my body. I know that this isn't healthy, but I have to try it. Just like I had to try not sleeping for more than 36 hours because I read someone that you start getting delirious. In the name of science, I need to see if the same thing happens here. So it's been about 1 hours since I ate anything, and the lunch hour is upon us. I usually don't have a problem with food at work because I don't bring a lunch, nor do I have enough money to get something out of the vending machine. I also do not have the time to walk to the nearby restaurants, so I usually eat when I get home. So that means around 7:30 pm tonight (17 hours in) will be my biggest challenge today.
This kind of got me thinking about other things. It's like a challenge - how long can you go without _____? Or how long can you do ______? One thing that I'd like to do is see how long I can wear the same shirt (it would have to be an undershirt, since I can't wear the same shirt to work everyday) before it started to drive you crazy? The smell alone would make you want to change it, but how long could you deal with it? Or how long can you go without shaving? Eventually you would look like a homeless guy or a mountain man, and people would have to stage an intervention to clean you up so that you are presentable. Having all that scraggly facial hair and looking like a hobo would be tough to deal with. And that's all that this is about - dealing with it. It's times when things feel so wrong and different that you truly feel alive, because you are out of your comfort zone and experiencing change. I need to feel alive, so don't be alarmed if I start to do some crazy shit in the near future.
So stay tuned to this blog for updates, as I'm sure eventually (and hopefully) I'll start getting the hunger so bad that I will want to start eating my office supplies. I no doubt will puss out long before that happens, but we'll see I guess. Maybe for the first time in my life I will commit to something and make a real change. Hey, it could happen... I just want to warn you not to try this at home. I am not a professional, nor am I being monitored by professionals, but I'm pretty sure that my body can handle this. And unless you are morbidly obese like me, don't do anything that could cause harm to your body. And don't use the phrase morbidly obese - that makes it sound like I am hanging out on death's doorstop waiting for him to let me in. I have no idea how long I will stick this one out, but it's sure to provide some much needed content to this blog. Plus maybe this little stunt will draw in more viewers to this blog. Hell, it usually works for that idiot David Blaine. But I shouldn't need stunts to get people to notice me, but I do need to alter my appearance and my attitude. Maybe this will help. I'll see you in a few with an update...
- pookon -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll do the shirt one but with my whole outfit. since i don't have a job and don't do anything i usually go three or four days before changing outfits. i usually rock the same shorts/jeans for about two weeks before i get a new pair.