Not a feather tip dunked in ink like John Hancock, but just a pen and some paper. INDEPENDENCE! SIT DOWN JOHN! SIT DOWN JOHN! Will somebody open up a window? There's too many flies. I found some of my old journals and the thing that stands out is that you can tell how I felt at the time by analyzing my handwriting. It's something that is lost in the digital age like the lack of nonverbal communication in social media and text messages. I see the irony of mentioning it on an internet blog post but in my journals my handwriting would change if I had a couple of drinks or if I wrote fast to get my ideas out on the page before I forgot them. There's so much character in those journals; so much life. I need to go back to writing on a daily basis.
So that's why I'm calling June "Write Every Day Month." I'm sure that's not the official theme of this month but it is for me. I'll try to throw some things on here for you if you want to follow along with my adventure but like I said before, I really want to get back to the old school writings I used to do before the internet. As much as I love the net, it has changed everything. Some good, some bad. This is just an introduction to the month. I would say more but right now I'm camping and I promised myself that I would stay off my phone this weekend. Whoops. So I'm going to shut this contraption off, drink some whiskey and try not to start the god damn forest on fire. Smokey the Bear wouldn't like that shit. No Sir. Smokey the Bear would be pissed off. And believe me, you don't want to piss off a bear who wears a hat and carries a shovel.
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