The whole point of picking out a day in the life was to figure out what an average day in my life was like. I take pictures during special events and blog about certain topics but often miss out on the average day to day. That is why I have the Twitter. I'm constantly posting on there for mainly 2 reasons - to remind myself of moments in my life and to entertain. I think I accomplish both things on there. So when it came time to pick a random day in my life since I joined Twitter on September 9, 2009 I did a fast scroll down through my tweets for 37 (37!?! In a row?) seconds and then ended up on December 1st, 2012. That was not an average day in my life. I was in South Carolina visiting my brother and we ended up going to this random party and I was having a field day on Twitter describing my experience. That day was a real exception to the norm so I decided to scroll down for another 15 seconds. That brought me to September 13, 2012. While that also was not an average day in my life I decided to go with it because of how fun and random it was.
My uncle Gary called me earlier in the week and offered to take me to Green Bay this day to see the Packers take on the Chicago Bears. I've only been to like 4 Packers games in my life before this so it was a real treat. And then when I found out that (to me at least) it was all free and that I would get free eats, free booze and free transportation I was all in. If it's free, it's for me. This ended up being an incredible day and I took to my Twitter account (@pookondotcom) to tell the world exactly what I was thinking at the time. I like to document these kind of things or else it is just one giant blur. And sometimes, like today, I go back and revisit that day. And almost 10 months later these thoughts, things that I said or situations that I got wrapped up in are still making me laugh. I don't know if you find me to be entertaining but I'm having a ball with it. One thing I have always loved about me is my ability to keep myself amused. It's helped me cope well with my constant state of being alone. But enough of that. Here is what happened to me on September 12, 2012 as the Green Bay Packers faced off against the Chicago Bears at Lambeau Field:
Hanging with Uncle Gary makes me realize that we live in two totally different worlds. #poor 3:57 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I don't think I could ever entertain clients or schmooze with potential business partners. I'm too weird and shy. #different 4:25 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I think on the inside I'm like a 9 year old child because I don't like talking to strangers. #NeverGrewUp 4:29 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I was just "that guy" in the background of someone's photo. Yep, I'm that weird guy. #photobomb 4:42 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Had a myriad of drinks on the bus. Plenty of beer, mixed drinks and shots. It's gonna be a long night. 4:59 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Was just given a beer by a Chicago Bears fan. Huh. So it is true - we can coexist. It's good to be the Iceman. #perks #rage 5:25 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I grabbed 2 beers because I have 2 hands. #logic. Hell, its all free anyway. At least to me. I don't pay for shit! #poor 5:36 PM - Sep 13, 2012
They are pouring Miller products into Anhauser-Busch cups. What the hell? Shouldn't there be some rule against that? #DontCrossTheStreams 5:54 PM -Sep 13, 2012
I wish I was about 10 years younger right now because I would have pounded about 10 more beers. #GettingOld 6:14 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Stopped by some bus and got some Captain and Coke from one of Uncle Gary's randoms. #LivingTheDream 6:53 PM - Sep 13, 2012
My first #Packers / #Bears game. This crowd is electric. Mayhem style. God damn I love Lambeau Field. #rage 8:00 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Uncle Gary: what was the song they played during halftime at the Packers superbowl? Me: I don't remember the superbowl. #truth #PassedOut 8:38 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I'm sitting near the #Packers' tunnel, and I do have to say that Clay Matthews looks beautiful in person. #aLittleGay 9:02 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I think I'm going to buy a BJ Raji jersey because he's big and so am I. Us big guys gotta stick together. #MakesSense #Packers 9:07 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Now that I moved out of my Mom's house and I'm paying rent, $8 per beer seems pretty steep. #poor 9:42 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Double fisting it right now just like my hero, the Two-Fisted Slobber. Reminds me of my childhood. #CountyStadium 9:50 PM - Sep 13, 2012
With the #Packers up by 20, not a single fan has left the stadium, even though it is a Thursday night. Hell of a town. #GreenBay 10:13 PM - Sep 13, 2012
I stood up to join the crowd in a rousing rendition of "The Bears Still Suck." Suck it Illinois. #SconniePride 10:17 PM - Sep 13, 2012
The last 3 #Packers games I've been to have been wins. I'd like to say I'm a lucky charm, but they really are just that good. 10:52 PM - Sep 13, 2012
It takes forever to get out of the stadium area. Still, it's amazing that such a small town can have an NFL team. #GreenBayPackers 11:36 PM - Sep 13, 2012
Now I'm triple-fisting drinks. It's like that 3-tittied bitch in #TotalRecall only not. I wish I had 3 hands. #Benny 11:56 PM - Sep 13, 2012
So I've come to the conclusion that all bus drivers are assholes. It's in the job requirement. You have to have road rage. #ImNotDriving 12:16 AM - Sep 14, 2012
I've got a couple of Holiday Drunks behind me on the bus. I remember my first beer. #amateurs 12:22 AM - Sep 14, 2012
Random girl: don't spill your drink on me. Me: oh, I wouldn't do that. I'm respectful drunk. #classy 12:40 AM - Sep 14, 2012
This drunk chick is passed out on me. Sadly this is the most action I've gotten in a very long time. #pathetic 12:49 AM - Sep 14, 2012
These chicks are telling me that I'm awesome and I would be a good boyfriend for their friend. They must be drunk. #classic 1:06 AM - Sep 14, 2012
Girl: you'd be perfect for my friend Angie. Me: Angie? She sounds hot. #LowStandards #IllTakeAnything 1:18 AM - Sep 14, 2012
Girl: I don't have any pockets. Me: then where do you keep your stuff? Girl: in my purse! Fuck pockets!! #classic 1:35 AM - Sep 14, 2012
I'm driving home #topless not because I have to, but because I want to. Why would I have to do that? 1:51 AM - Sep 14, 2012
I'm so awesome. Can't believe I'm still single. Oh wait, yes I can. Because everything I put on Twitter is the truth. #TooHotToHandle 2:27 AM - Sep 14, 2012

- pookon -
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