Thursday, June 06, 2013

The Write Month: June 6 - Weather or Not I Should

Sometimes I am so preoccupied with whether or not I could, I don't stop to think if I should. That of course is a play on the comment made by Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) in Jurassic Park. By now you probably already figured out my fascination with movies. Actually its more like an obsession. Almost every one of these entries in the Write Month has been laced with movie references. That's because I don't go outside much. I think I could handle being a shut in. That's something that I'm trying to change because I've already lived most of the adventures you can do indoors. Outside there are so many wonderful things waiting for us, and I simply need to step out there and find them. I have to stop thinking about doing it and just go out there and do it.

That's easier said than done here in Wisconsin. We have 3 seasons: winter, construction and August. Take today for example. I mean shit, it's June 6 for crying out loud and it's 52 and cloudy. 52!! Now I'm not one that normally complains about the weather because hot and humid doesn't bode well for a big guy like me. Being sweaty and tired is not how I want to spend my day. That's probably why I stay inside all the time. But I'm trying to change that. I want to be like one of you normal people. You always look like you're having a lot of fun outdoors. I made an effort to do so today and I feel better because of it. For 8 hours a day I'm couped up in a cubicle like a lifeless robot and I think it's slowly killing me. I know that I'm more tired than ever and I'm completely bored with my life. So I blame the weather of all things. Might want to start blaming myself.

So to answer the question of whether or not I should do something different -  it is a resounding yes. But the problem remains that I don't know what to do. Baby steps I guess. Every day is another chance to try something new, like going outside instead of being pent up indoors. To stop trying to control everything and just go with the flow. To blame it on something instead of blaming it on the rain. To stop talking about the weather and make chit chat instead. To stop telling the Commander that I make the weather. To change. To be different. To be as open as the outdoors. To breathe non-recycled air. I got a nice head start on Days 1 + 2 of this Month when I went camping and the forecast for the rest of the month is looking quite promising for me leaving the house. Stay tuned folks and I'll let you know how it turned out. I have a feeling we're in for another adventure.

 - pookon -

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