Friday, June 10, 2005

Life without internet

Sounds simple enough, eh? Because after all, the internet only became a major player in our lives in the mid 1990's. Before that, we actually looked things up in books, or God forbid, actually talked to people to find out information about everything that we needed to know. I recently took a little trip through time and lived in a pre-internet world for the past 3 weeks. And let me tell you, for a technologically savvy guy such as me, this was the closest thing to a living hell that could ever happen (well, besides actually living in hell for all eternity.) I was vacationing for half of the time, then moving and working during the other, but I still missed my internet. I felt like part of me was missing, and I think on some occasions I cried myself to sleep. But now that I have internet once again, I can stop thinking about life and just mindlessly search for interesting bits of trivia about Star Wars and play idiotic internet games. Oh yeah, now that I have internet I can resume my blog entries on a more regular basis. Take care of your selves and each other -