Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pickle the Day: October 16th - Do Something!

I need to do something. I'm really reaching for a picture and topic today, but the the goal of Pickle the Day was to take a picture of something every day and talk about it. I'm definitely something. I didn't want to resort to using myself as the picture but it has come down to that. Basically, I picked the wrong month to do this adventure. From April - September I worked 2 jobs and filled my nights and weekends with activities mostly surrounding the Milwaukee Brewers. But I still got out into the World. I did something with what little free time I had. As soon as the Brewers season ended and the calendar turned to October, I wanted nothing more than to be at home, relax and catch up on some personal projects either around the house or on my Internet Empire. I wanted to do nothing. I know that I have mentioned it before, but my day job has been stressing me out and I've also had to put in some overtime. That doesn't make me want to do anything when I get off of work. It also doesn't help that the MLB Playoffs are happening right now. I love the baseball playoffs. I watch every pitch of every game even though my team isn't usually in it. So far this month I haven't really done anything, and I love it. But that doesn't lead to an entertaining life or blog. I'm sorry. Do something about it.

I tried to do something. For what seems like months now I've been trying to hang out after work with a co-worker who I won't name (rhymes with Spike Dillhelm). Something keeps getting in the way. I've spent a lot of time with my family doing things and some of those adventures have wound up here on the blog. But other than that I've pretty much kept to myself. Just me and Major Korben Dallas hanging out in my "No Girls Allowed Clubhouse" (which is what I call my apartment). I should go out and do something. I just don't really want to. I've been wearing my Brewers winter hat lately and today I paired it with sunglasses and a hoody. Maybe I can go rob a bank or a convenience store. I have been hurting for money ever since I started spending it willy nilly. I'm sure I could spook the dickens out of some old biddies watching their grandchildren at the park. And speaking of children, I could hang outside of a school and take pictures. With my current get-up they would never be able to figure out my true identity. This is Wisconsin after all. There are plenty of fat guys wearing Brewers gear. They could never pick me out of a lineup. It's about time that I go out and do something, even if that something gets me arrested. It's worth it just for the story, right?

No, I don't think so. Some stories are worth telling and some are better left told by someone else. I'm not going to go out and demand a bank teller put all the bills into a beige burlap sac with a cartoon dollar bill on the outside. I'd rather watch the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings again. Since Friday I have watched each movie twice and last night I didn't go to bed until 530am because I was finishing up watching The Return of the King for the 2nd time in the last 2 days. The Fellowship of the Ring clocks in at 208 minutes, The Two Towers is 223 minutes and The Return of the King is an epic 251 minutes. And like I said, I've seen each movie twice in the last 5 days. That means I've spent 1,364 minutes (or 22.73 hours, which is almost a day) of my recent life watching The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. So maybe that's why I couldn't do something. I knew there had to be a real reason behind this. Screw it. Tomorrow I will do something. Tomorrow I will find a better pickle for you. Tomorrow there will be another one removed from what seems to be a Hobbit-sized jar that I will share for you. There just doesn't seem to be enough in there. I guess we will all wait for the one pickle to rule them all, one pickle to find them; one pickle to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

 - pookon -

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