Monday, October 21, 2013

Pickle the Day: October 21st - Do Cannonballs Yell Human Being?

I once saw a cell from the Far Side comics by Gary Larsen that sticks with me to this day. Well, a lot of them still make me laugh because in one cell block there is a fully contained joke. It's pure genius. But the one that relates to today's pickle is a cannonball jumping into a body of water yelling "HUMAN BEING!!!" That's fantastic. I love doing cannonballs into the pool. Because of  my size I'm able to displace a lot of water and make a spectacle of myself, which is what I do on a daily basis. My brother James was in town for a few hours because he travels for business. This week he is going to be working in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin at the Leinenkugal's Brewery. At the last minute his flight was changed from Minneapolis to Milwaukee and we were able to get together and watch the Green Bay Packers game. Since I picked him up from the airport I had to take him to his hotel. While some people might be like oh that was nice and thinking that I did him a favor, in reality I knew what was in it for me as well - hotels have pools. And despite me never wanting to take my shirt off in public, I love to go swimming. It's one of my favorite things to do. And I just need to state for the record once again that I also love to do cannonballs. It's silly shit like this that makes me feel like being a kid again. What 32-year-old man does cannonballs in a hotel pool? This guy. 

That's all the time I've got for today. I had a full weekend filled with plenty of activities and I simply don't have any more time to expound on this topic. But what else is there to say that the picture doesn't already do? I hope I never grow out of this. Seeing as how I'm in my early 30's and still goofing around like I'm 6, I don't see that ever happening. Where's the fun in growing up and being all serious and sour-faced? Lighten up guy. Goof off for a bit and not worry about what other people think. People are too rigid and conform to societal norms when they should be out having fun. If having fun for you is wearing a 3-piece suit and discussing the ebbs and flows of the Dow Jones chart and sharing your portfolio over a fancy lunch with some clients, then have at it. Not me. I will be coloring with crayons (outside of the lines), making faces in the mirror, sniffing smelly markers, playing with my food, embarrassing my mother in public, rolling down grassy hills, getting ice cream headaches on purpose, spinning around on bar stools until I'm so dizzy that I fall over, doing cannonballs into a hotel pool and whatever else the kid inside me tells me to do. Life is tough and we need to find a way to escape from all of troubles that bring us down. You know what I do. Who knows what pickle the World is going to throw at me tomorrow, but I always promise to share it with you here on the blog. There's a full jar of them out there just waiting to be shared. So I'm going to dress up like an explorer, grab my trusty map and compass and see if X really does mark the spot.

 - pookon -

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