Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pickle the Day: October 15th - A River Runs Through It

This experiment has become increasingly more difficult with every passing day and I only have myself to blame. Reason #1 is the rule that I put in place - the picture has to be from that day or the day before to qualify. Reason #2 (which doesn't help #1) is that I just don't get out and do anything. I don't lead a very social life or at least do anything worth sharing. I wake up, go to work, go home, stay up until 4am then go to bed for like 3 hours. Then I repeat. Every now and then something cool happens to me but it's all by accident. I rarely go out and live life on my own. I have such a dull routine that I hardly notice the World around me. I make the same drive to and from work and I never really noticed that I cross over a river every day. The Milwaukee River to be exact. I know that it's there. It separates the Eastside from the rest of town and cuts right through downtown Milwaukee. There's plenty of bridges over it (which become more noticeable when they are closed for repairs) but I have gone back and forth over them so many times that I forget about them. I still see them though. 

The one in the picture never really occurred to me because it is barely above the river and  it takes mere seconds to cross it. Every now and then I see someone fishing off of it but it wasn't until yesterday that I made my way down by the river for a closer look. It is what it is. There's no deeper meaning here. I could try and make some connections like there is a divide between who I am and who I want to be and that I need to figure out how to bridge the gap before I fall in and drown. I could once again comment on reflections but this time speak of how things are not always they seem on the other side and that you never know exactly what lies beneath the surface. I could go on and on about water being the bringer of life and how we must reconnect with it to feel whole again. There are so many things I could do here but I'm not going to. I took a picture of a river passing underneath a bridge. Or did I take a picture of a bridge passing over water? You be the judge.

I don't want to do this anymore. I don't even know if you care or if you ever did. I wanted this to be fun. This has seemed like work. But there are like 16 days left. As long as I've come this far I might as well keep going. Why cross a bridge halfway? Where does that get you? Halfway over the water, that's where. You can either keep on going, turn back or jump off. I don't like where I came from. I'm not ready to jump off and end it all. What does that leave me with? I guess I need to keep going. The World often presents you with choices. There may not even be a right choice. But you still have a choice. That's what makes life worth living. Today may not be the best day in my life. But there will be a tomorrow. Tomorrow could be the day when it all turns around. And I'll be there to take the picture and share another pickle with you. It may not always seem like it, but there's a full jar of them waiting to be shared. I just need to cross the bridge to find it.

 - pookon -


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