Welcome to Pookon's Ill Blog - home of my inner thoughts, creative outbursts and random thoughts. This site contains such original classics as "It's in My Head", "Pickle the Day" and a multitude of other reoccurring features. I'm often a little too raw, truthful and honest at times so proceed with caution.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Hunger Strike

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Hunger Strike : Hour 96 (4 Days)

But now that the Hunger Strike is over, I can certainly say that I am lucky and fortunate to have the choice of whether or not to eat. I would hate to feel like I did over the past 4 days and for it to not have been my choice. The stupid and idiotic thing that I did is a reality for a lot of people in this world, and hopefully my $96 donation will make a better day for one or a few of them, even if it just for one day. $100 is a lot of money for me, as it represents around 1/12 of my monthly income. With rent and all of the miscellaneous bills that I have to pay, it's difficult for me to give that money away. But when I think about all of the security that I do have compared to others less fortunate, I shouldn't be worrying about crap like that. Even when I do give away this $100, I will still have a roof over my head, a job, transportation, food, heat and electricity, and family and friends that love me. When Joey Kanz heard of my Hunger Strike, he initially wondered why I was doing it. I told him what I told you guys - no reason, just kind of felt like doing it. But when I told him that I pledged $1 to charity for every hour I made it without food, he decided to strike along with me. I am happy to report that he went 72 hours without food, and he also plans to donate some money to charity. So I guess I did make a difference after all. I finally did something good that got noticed by someone else, and they emulated my good deed. I believe that my Hunger Strike now did have a purpose, and that was to make a change, even though it appears to be minor. But this minor change can have big effects, much like when you drop a pebble into a pond and the water rings grow bigger as they circle outward. Now I'm not going to lie, in the 24 hours since my Hunger Strike officially ended, I did eat a little more than I normally would have in a normal day. I guess I was just excited to be eating again and slipped back into my overeating ways. But that shit can not and will not continue, or else this whole strike thing will have been in vain. It was meant as a way to start some changes in my life, and if no changes are made, then I really did strike for no reason. Since I don't want to be a jackass and be laughed at for my meaningless plight, I must stick to my guns and try and make a change. Michael Jackson has done a lot of things that people and society shun, but he did make some pretty kickass songs. I especially like this one because it has a strong message, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change." The guy has led a pretty messed up life, but at least he moonwalked and delivered some good messages to millions every now and then. That's more than I can say about my life. I can't compare myself to the King of Pop, and I shouldn't. Every person is unique, and therefor not comparable to others. So I needed to do my own thing and go on this strike. I guess we'll see where it goes from here.
So I gave up eating for 4 days and raised $96 for charity in the process. Now that sounds like a good time. I don't know if I'd ever purposefully do it again, but maybe someday I'll give it a go just to try and beat my own personal record. Although my body was starting to feel a little weak, I did feel like it had been cleansed of all the toxins and chemicals. That tends to happen when you don't eat and drink nothing but water; you flush all that useless crap out. I was starting to show signs of wear, and my work performance was slipping, but if I had to go back to the beginning of the week, I certainly would do it all over again. It was one of those life experiences that you only get to be a part of when you do something different. I always say that you only feel alive when you step outside of the ordinary and experience change, which is why I love getting tattoos. You sit there for an hour or more while someone is inflicting pain on you. It's a numbing sensation that cannot be replicated. Not eating for 4 days also made me feel some kind of pain, and it also seemed unusal. I felt more alive this week than I have recently, which was really cool. But I'm back to eating, and hopefully I will start eating better and healthier. I'll let this week be a lesson to me, and use some of my experiences in my future travels. But oh what a wicked week it was. Until next time my friends - later dudes.
- pookon -
Friday, November 07, 2008
Hunger Strike : Hour 84

Hunger Strike : Hour 72 (3 Days)

- pookon -
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Hunger Strike : Hour 60

So I pretty much passed out for the entire bus ride to work (which is about 1 hour, including a change of buses at Bayshore Mall) and kind of stumbled off of the bus and into work. I was feeling a bit space out this morning as I started my work, so I have a feeling it's going to be a pretty interesting day. I punched in at 9:04 am, and started working at 9:10 am (tee hee). At 9:15 am an email popped up in my inbox alerting me that there were free eats (unnamed treats) in the breakroom. Curiosity almost got the best of me, as I was so close to getting up to go check out what I would be missing out on, but I decided not to. It's bad enough that I know there are free eats in the vicinity, I don't need to torture myself any further by actually looking at them.
Curiosity got the best of me, and I went and looked. NACHOS. Why did it have to be Nachos? I LOVE Nachos. Oh C'mon Iceman, show a little backbone. I sure picked a hell of a day to stop eating. And then my internet went down for an hour, and I was sitting in my cubicle doing nothing. Everything that I do is either internet based or on a shared network drive, so for an hour I sat here and thought about the free nachos in the breakroom. Have you ever noticed how often people talk about food? The big conversation every day is where are you going for lunch. My friend Crystal was thinking about going to Jimmy Johns. Lisa is eating nachos at her desk. Trey had some kind of soup, and the aroma filled the air and drove me batshit crazy. So now I'm on the edge of insanity and getting crazier by the minute. But I think I promised 72 hours (3 days) so I will at least wait until that time has past before I decide to keep going or end the strike. I guess we'll find out when that time comes. Hey, at least so far I've raised $60 for charity. That's got to be good, right?
Hunger Strike : Hour 48 (2 Days)

2 days. 2 whole days. It went by real fast. Normally I am too busy goofing around, sleeping, and working, so to be honest with you I didn't really even notice that I haven't eaten during that time period. I guess I just don't really get hungry, and I eat just to eat. Tomorrow is a new day and more erie feelings might creep up into me, so I hope I'll have some interesting things to share. Since I really don't have anything to add anymore, I'm only going to do 2 updates (once every 12 hours) a day at 1:30 am and 1:30 pm. Those times (especially 1:30 am) are important because they represent turning points in this saga. So for now I am done, and I will once again go to sleep on an empty stomach. Oh, and the Hunger Strike charity dollar count is now at $48.00. So some good will come out of this then. Hooray for being righteous and noble.
- pookon -
email : pookondotcom@gmail.com
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Hunger Strike : Hour 42

So the temptation has been strong, and it has been worse considering that I neglected to tell anyone that I was on a Hunger Strike. This was painfully obvious when Jenny stopped over to give me my mail, and she cooked up a big sweet bag of microwave popcorn. You all know how wonderfully fantastic that stuff smells. Now imagine how wonderful it smells after not eating for 42 hours. I'm pretty sure that's what Heaven smells like. They should make air fresheners, candles and incense that smells like microwave popcorn, but then people would probably start eating the canisters, wax and sticks. I know I would.
So other than a little distraction and a whiff of fantastic smells coming from Applebee's at Bayshore Mall and when I passed by Grecian Delight on the way home, I'm doing pretty good. I don't even feel like eating yet. Apparently the hunger hasn't hit me yet. I'm pretty sure that's tomorrow when I wake up after not eating for a total of 54 hours. If my alarm doesn't wake me up in the morning, my stomach certainly would. Then I would yell and curse at it, punch it, and set the sleep timer. Just like I do with my alarm clock. And then I will get up and go to work and think about food all day. Or something like that. I just hope that my cat Gordon doesn't start looking like one of those savory rotisserie chickens that you buy at the grocery store. Now that would be make for an interesting evening. Me chasing him around the apartment, and him ducking and hiding under and behind every object within range. Please Lord don't let it come down to that. I'd eat my own arm before I sunk my teeth into my baby. Well that's it for now, I'll throw another post up here before I head off to bed tonight. Oh, and start saving some food for me. When this ends, I'm gonna feast like the Whos in the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Roast Beast here I come!
- pookon -
email : pookondotcom@gmail.com
Hunger Strike : Hour 36

Hunger Strike : Hour 30

Hunger Strike : Hour 24 (1 Day)

Before I go, I just want to address the fact that many (if in case many people read this crap) people may be like, "so what asshole, you didn't eat for 24 hours. Big whoop. I've done that plenty of times." I know you have, and I'm pretty sure that I have too. That's not the point. The point is that I'm an over eater and that I'm borderline compulsive when it comes to the stuff. It's a big step for me to purposefully commit to breaking a bad habit, and sticking with it for at least a day (and counting). That's about 23 hours longer than I usually get, as I also have problems with commitment. I'm not very reliable, and most of the time I feel like a real piece of shit. If I can prove to myself that I do something little and insignificant, then maybe I can do other things too. It's an attitude adjustment, it's not just about the eating thing (although it certainly does factor in to the equation.) Basically it breaks down to this - I don't like the person that I have become. Somewhere along the line I gave up, and let my life kind of go to hell. I blame my looks or my personality on the fact that I've been single for 27 years, but in all honesty it's the fact that I just haven't tried. And I've used my glasses, or my wavy hair, or my "alcoholism", or my weight to blame for my lack in socializing with other people. I've always got an excuse for everything. Time to stop making excuses and take control of my life. I used to think that I'm running out of time, but the truth is that time is all that we really have. I'm gonna go to bed and try to figure out why people like me, because when I look in the mirror all I see is some ugly bastard that doesn't care anymore. It's time for me to see through that and see what everyone else sees - the real me. But it's gonna take longer than 24 hours for me to figure that one out.
Good night folks, I'll see you in the morning. Save some breakfast for me - just kidding :)
- pookon -
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Hunger Stike : Hour 18

- pookon -
email : pookondotcom@gmail.com
Hunger Strike : Hour 12

- pookon -