Which leads into the next part. I am going to have to end this tonight when I go play beer pong. I can't drink if I don't have any food in my stomach, and I don't really want to play with water in a live game because it is a violation of the terms of the game. Now I practice with water all of the time at home, but I have never done it in a league sanctioned event. True, I have used it at the World Series of Beer Pong (in the back 4 cups only) and at bars where they don't allow drinking games (where we play with water and have a beer on the side to get around the city ordinance). I don't think that I can do it in league. But why do I care that I am breaking this strike that has been ongoing for no particular reason? I don't know why I do care so much about it. It's like I'm striking for a reason. True, I am donating some money in the end, but that's only because I felt like I needed a reason. I guess I don't want to end it because I already feel healthier. I know that it is not possible, but I feel like I already have lost a few pounds. I still look the same, because it's going to take me a lot of time and effort to look like a Greek God again, but I feel better. I am worried that I am going to get sick soon, because starving yourself is not a great way to get healthier. In fact, studies have probably shown that it is less healthy to starve the weight off than to work it off by dieting and exercise. I'm no doctor (although I went to college for 7 years), but that makes a whole lot of sense to me. If you're gonna do something, do it right.
So I guess I will let you know when this story comes to an end, but it will be ok because it will have a happy ending. There's no point in going 84 hours + without food. So I'm going to stop, eating a shitload of nachos, then probably throw up because my stomach won't be ready for that rush of awesomeness. So I guess instead I will take it slow by eating some soup and crackers and drinking 7 up, much like I did whenever I had a stomach virus when I was little. For some reason, when you can't hold any food down, 7up and saltine crackers figure out a way to stay down there. It's probably another one of those things that scientists and doctors have tested and proven, which is why my Mom used to feed me that stuff when I was sick. And so at least it goes on for a few more hours, because I can't eat anything until I get back home. I thought that I was Starting the Revolution by going on this Hunger Strike, and it looks like I have made a little bit of a difference. Time will tell on that one, and I will see you all in a few hours and let you know about my decision. Later dudes.
- pookon -
email : pookondotcom@gmail.com
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