"He was trying to toughen me up," said Corey. "I think he felt I'd go out and try to prove him wrong. As a young kid, it would wear you out. If I got in trouble, he would spank me hard. He would embarrass me in front of other people. Even in high school, if I did something wrong, he would pull me behind the dugout and yell at me. He was trying to push me to be better but you don't realize that at the time." I will say that this is fucked up. My parents pushed music on me hardcore because they were so into it. I was singing in choir since I've been able to talk, and I was always playing some kind of instrument. I never liked to play the trumpet, but my parents made me do it. And I never practiced and got better at it because I had no desire to do it. But have you ever heard me use this as an excuse? No. Because I'm not a whiny little bitch. I quit music for a couple of years, but I eventually found my way back into it. My parents didn't go to the extremes that John Hart did, so I'll give him a little bit on that. But grow the fuck up already. You're living your life, not your Dad's.
Our parents do have influence over who we are and who we become, but eventually you have to shake that off and be your own person. My parents are deeply religious and raised me in in the Catholic church. Do I believe in God? Yeah. Do I live my life according to the bible? Nope. Do I live in fear of going to Hell if I don't follow the commandments. Nope. Do I go to church every Sunday? Nope. Once I got to a certain age (like 18 when I moved out of the house) I made up my own mind and did what was right for me. For Corey Hart to blame his Dad for his mental instability is ludicrous. When the fans boo at me, it's like 40,000 John Harts in the stands judging me. Watching me, criticizing. Waiting to reprimand me and spank me for failing to advance the runner to 3rd on a groundout. I lost a ball in the sun, committed an error and we lost the game because of me. Thankfully Mom has the getaway car running so we can scoot out of here before Dad finds me. And spanks me. You're 28 fucking years old. Get over that shit already. Grow up and be a man.
And then this shit comes out the other day that Corey Hart needs to wear glasses because he is nearsighted. He admitted that last year he wasn't seeing the ball well and that things were a bit fuzzy. And that he probably fudged his vision test during his physical last year because he didn't want to admit he wasn't seeing clearly. Bob Uecker made a comment on this during the broadcast of the game today, and of course he had a humorous take on the subject. His line was something like this, "The ball was looking a little fuzzy to me too. Although you know I was looking at a tennis ball." Uecker can make any subject funny, and although I laughed at his joke, this really is no joking matter. Baseball depends so much on you being able to see a ball and decide in tenths of a second whether or not you should swing, then make the proper adjustments to make contact with it. Sure, you need athletic skills and timing in order to play, but some of the best hitters (like Ted Williams and Barry Bonds) relied on their insane vision to only swing at pitches that they knew they could hit, resulting in unprecedented batting averages. So you would think that a baseball player would want to see the ball correctly, right?!?!
So Corey Hart is now going to wear goggles, Eric Gagne-style. He says that it would be unacceptable to wear contacts. You got something against contacts punk? Then you got something against me. He probably already has a problem against me for calling him a bitch, so I guess this is just one more thing. But how come as soon as people start really getting on his back for being a shitty baseball player does it come out that he needs glasses? Because he has to make excuses. And before people get all uppity and tell me to lay off Hart, I would like to say that it's not just him. Everyone makes excuses. There's always someone to blame other than yourself. But when your job depends on something as crucial as you being able to see something, don't you think you should be able to see it well? Don't ya? The second that his eyes started to go, he should have done it then. But no. Now he can blame his Dad and his eyes for swinging at a pitch in the dirt low and outside.
God I hate that this fires me up so much that I have to come on here and go off about it. I tried so hard not to, but I had to work it out of my system before I had a total meltdown. So once again, I'm willing to give Corey Hart a pass on his Daddy issues and poor vision, just as long as he stops making excuses and starts playing up to his potential. If the goggles correct his vision and suddenly everything clicks, maybe I'll believe that it was his eyes that were giving him problems. But if it isn't, then I will most certainly rain down a chorus of boos on him from the right field bleachers. I will find out what his Dad looks like and get a mask that resembles him and then wear clothes just like him. I will dress up like John Hart and heckle the shit out of Corey Hart. I will berate him for the entire game and make him run off crying to his Mommy. Corey Hart has gone too far, and if I hear one more pathetic excuse as to why he has no plate discipline, I will burn my Corey Hart jersey. Just go out there and play and stop being such a bitch.
I feel the need to once again say that I want nothing more than to see Corey Hart perform well, because he is such an integral part to this offense. But I'm tired of all the bullshit that comes with him. Maybe I'm just jaded because I saw my first Brewers postseason game in 2008 and I am getting nervous that it'll be 26 years before I see another one. They have the pieces to make a return to October just as long as the offense picks up where it left off last year and the pitching staff is average. And players like Corey Hart, Rickie Weeks and Manny Parra live up to their potential. So in case you think that I pick on Hart too much, rest assured that I will stop now. I know I've said that before, but Corey just keeps fueling my fire with all of this garbage. So I'm making a New Year's resolution to only say positive things about Corey Hart from now on. And we'll just go ahead and saw how long that charade will last. But first Hart needs to actually do something positive. But my Mom always said that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. If I listen to my Mom, then it might be a while before I say anything.
But maybe I am just as bad as John Hart by the way that I've just been unloading on Corey for his failures. Perhaps I can lighten up a bit. I should be more supportive of him instead of calling him names. But that's a whole 'nother can of worms, and since I'm not going out fishing today, there's no way that I can manage to open that one up right now. You can't open a can of worms then not use them. They'll go bad and you have no choice but to bury them in the ground. Screw that. I want to use my worms to catch big ass trouts. And hold them in front of my sister and chase her around because she is terrified of worms. Because that is what worms are for. Catching fish and scarring sisters. But why am I talking about worms and not Corey Hart? I don't know. I'm going to go get another beer while I ponder that question. But I certainly will not blame my Dad or my blurry vision for making me fail as a writer.
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com
Our parents do have influence over who we are and who we become, but eventually you have to shake that off and be your own person. My parents are deeply religious and raised me in in the Catholic church. Do I believe in God? Yeah. Do I live my life according to the bible? Nope. Do I live in fear of going to Hell if I don't follow the commandments. Nope. Do I go to church every Sunday? Nope. Once I got to a certain age (like 18 when I moved out of the house) I made up my own mind and did what was right for me. For Corey Hart to blame his Dad for his mental instability is ludicrous. When the fans boo at me, it's like 40,000 John Harts in the stands judging me. Watching me, criticizing. Waiting to reprimand me and spank me for failing to advance the runner to 3rd on a groundout. I lost a ball in the sun, committed an error and we lost the game because of me. Thankfully Mom has the getaway car running so we can scoot out of here before Dad finds me. And spanks me. You're 28 fucking years old. Get over that shit already. Grow up and be a man.
And then this shit comes out the other day that Corey Hart needs to wear glasses because he is nearsighted. He admitted that last year he wasn't seeing the ball well and that things were a bit fuzzy. And that he probably fudged his vision test during his physical last year because he didn't want to admit he wasn't seeing clearly. Bob Uecker made a comment on this during the broadcast of the game today, and of course he had a humorous take on the subject. His line was something like this, "The ball was looking a little fuzzy to me too. Although you know I was looking at a tennis ball." Uecker can make any subject funny, and although I laughed at his joke, this really is no joking matter. Baseball depends so much on you being able to see a ball and decide in tenths of a second whether or not you should swing, then make the proper adjustments to make contact with it. Sure, you need athletic skills and timing in order to play, but some of the best hitters (like Ted Williams and Barry Bonds) relied on their insane vision to only swing at pitches that they knew they could hit, resulting in unprecedented batting averages. So you would think that a baseball player would want to see the ball correctly, right?!?!
So Corey Hart is now going to wear goggles, Eric Gagne-style. He says that it would be unacceptable to wear contacts. You got something against contacts punk? Then you got something against me. He probably already has a problem against me for calling him a bitch, so I guess this is just one more thing. But how come as soon as people start really getting on his back for being a shitty baseball player does it come out that he needs glasses? Because he has to make excuses. And before people get all uppity and tell me to lay off Hart, I would like to say that it's not just him. Everyone makes excuses. There's always someone to blame other than yourself. But when your job depends on something as crucial as you being able to see something, don't you think you should be able to see it well? Don't ya? The second that his eyes started to go, he should have done it then. But no. Now he can blame his Dad and his eyes for swinging at a pitch in the dirt low and outside.
God I hate that this fires me up so much that I have to come on here and go off about it. I tried so hard not to, but I had to work it out of my system before I had a total meltdown. So once again, I'm willing to give Corey Hart a pass on his Daddy issues and poor vision, just as long as he stops making excuses and starts playing up to his potential. If the goggles correct his vision and suddenly everything clicks, maybe I'll believe that it was his eyes that were giving him problems. But if it isn't, then I will most certainly rain down a chorus of boos on him from the right field bleachers. I will find out what his Dad looks like and get a mask that resembles him and then wear clothes just like him. I will dress up like John Hart and heckle the shit out of Corey Hart. I will berate him for the entire game and make him run off crying to his Mommy. Corey Hart has gone too far, and if I hear one more pathetic excuse as to why he has no plate discipline, I will burn my Corey Hart jersey. Just go out there and play and stop being such a bitch.
I feel the need to once again say that I want nothing more than to see Corey Hart perform well, because he is such an integral part to this offense. But I'm tired of all the bullshit that comes with him. Maybe I'm just jaded because I saw my first Brewers postseason game in 2008 and I am getting nervous that it'll be 26 years before I see another one. They have the pieces to make a return to October just as long as the offense picks up where it left off last year and the pitching staff is average. And players like Corey Hart, Rickie Weeks and Manny Parra live up to their potential. So in case you think that I pick on Hart too much, rest assured that I will stop now. I know I've said that before, but Corey just keeps fueling my fire with all of this garbage. So I'm making a New Year's resolution to only say positive things about Corey Hart from now on. And we'll just go ahead and saw how long that charade will last. But first Hart needs to actually do something positive. But my Mom always said that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. If I listen to my Mom, then it might be a while before I say anything.
But maybe I am just as bad as John Hart by the way that I've just been unloading on Corey for his failures. Perhaps I can lighten up a bit. I should be more supportive of him instead of calling him names. But that's a whole 'nother can of worms, and since I'm not going out fishing today, there's no way that I can manage to open that one up right now. You can't open a can of worms then not use them. They'll go bad and you have no choice but to bury them in the ground. Screw that. I want to use my worms to catch big ass trouts. And hold them in front of my sister and chase her around because she is terrified of worms. Because that is what worms are for. Catching fish and scarring sisters. But why am I talking about worms and not Corey Hart? I don't know. I'm going to go get another beer while I ponder that question. But I certainly will not blame my Dad or my blurry vision for making me fail as a writer.
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com
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