Welcome to Pookon's Ill Blog - home of my inner thoughts, creative outbursts and random thoughts. This site contains such original classics as "It's in My Head", "Pickle the Day" and a multitude of other reoccurring features. I'm often a little too raw, truthful and honest at times so proceed with caution.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
World Series of Beer Pong 6 - Day 3 (Pookcast Episode 18)
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
World Series of Beer Pong 6 - Day 2 (Pookcast Episode 17)
Monday, January 03, 2011
World Series of Beer Pong 6 - Day 1 (Pookcast Episode 16)
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com
Sunday, January 02, 2011
World Series of Beer Pong 6 - Drunk in Las Vegas (Pookcast Episode 15)
This is the 6th time that I am out in Nevada for the World Series of Beer Pong. We always arrive here on the 1st of January, but the tournament doesn’t start up until the 2nd. For me that means the first day is a day when I am able to get drunk and enjoy Vegas, which usually involves me walking around on the Strip with some form of malt liquor in my hand. This year my choice would be Steel Reserve because I saw a toothless degenerate wandering around drinking one and he looked like he was having a good time. In fact, I would go on to say that this bastard was my hero, even though he was someone that you certainly would not look up to in normal circumstances. But the streets of Las Vegas are anything but normal, especially when a lunatic like me is wondering around vocalizing his thoughts for all to hear. When I started the Pookcast I meant it to be the audio version of this blog so that you could hear the tone of my voice and see my non-verbal reactions when I'm talking, which are two things you just can't get from reading written word. So here is me drunk in Las Vegas doing an episode of the Pookcast. Tournament play begins today so wish me luck. I know I'm going to need it this year. I'm definitely on the wrong side of my beer pong career, and we basically need to catch lightning in a bottle or have drunken recall take effect to do well out here. Later dudes.
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com
Saturday, January 01, 2011
World Series of Beer Pong VI - January 1-5 in Las Vegas
I would like to wish a very happy and safe New Years to everyone and may 2011 and the decade of the teens bring you all the shit that the 00's promised but failed to deliver. I'm looking at you Flying Car. I'm going to start the new year as I have every year for the past 6 years - drunk of my ass playing beer pong in Las Vegas. Maybe some day I will grow up and forget all about this Tom Foolery, but that time is still not upon us. So look out for some more updates and all of the other Ill Shit that you've come to expect (which I also have delivered) over the years. Wish me the skill to hit nothing but foam and the ability to Just Play. May the wise wisdom of The Godfather always be in the forefront of my mind and let my partner Hummel pick me up when I fall down. Let me forget that I am supposed to be a responsible adult and that at the World Series of Beer Pong I can be accepted for who I am without having to put up a front or make excuses for my behaviors. But most of all let me remember that beer pong is a game and that games are supposed to be fun, so grant me the poise to have the same attitude and demeanor in victory as well as in defeat. Also please someone tell me what the hell I am writing about...
Hummel that Shit!
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com