When I woke up this morning Lethal Weapon was on TV, which made me think of Danny Glover's line, "I'm getting to old for this shit." Let me state for the record that I'm glad that I'm here and I'm also having a great time. But Hummel that Shit finished with a 2-4 record and have little to no chance of making the playoffs. What ever. That's a story in itself that I will write at another time. Mainly I was feeling pretty old this morning because my body is all kinds of sore from walking, drinking and not sleeping. I'm feeling more and more like an Old Man every day that I'm out here, and I don't think that I can handle Vegas they way that I used to. Granted I'm not hung over this morning because I sobered up well before bed time, but I'd be lucky if I got 5 hours of sleep last night. I usually average around 6 hours a night back home, but back home I don't subject my body to this kind of abuse. I wouldn't be surprised if my body was pissed off at me and decide to give up on me. Despite having an asshole, I don't think that my body is one, so I have a good chance of making it through the day still standing. So while while I'm struggling to stay alive out here (in more ways than one) check out a recap of Day 1 in this video. Thanks for all the support and I just want to let you know that I won't let you down. (but please have some low standards and be understanding. Also be gentile...)
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