Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Drunken Movie Reviews - Rubber

You ever see one of those movies that makes you say, "What the Fuck?" Rubber is one of those movies. When I heard about this movie I knew that I had to watch it because it sounded so ridiculously awesome. I needed to see it to believe it. How was it? Much better than I could ever imagine. It's the best killer tire movie I've ever seen. Well that doesn't really do it justice because it's the only killer tire movie I've ever seen. But there really is no way to review this movie without spoiling it or confusing the shit out of you. While I would like you to listen to my drunken review below, I would encourage you to watch the movie first. Even I don't understand this flick and I watched it sober. My format for this blog segment is to watch the movie while sober and review it while drunk. With Rubber I should have done it the other way around. This movie makes no sense while sober so I'm hoping that drinking would allow me to suspend all logic that a tire could kill people and revel in how amazingly ridiculous it is. Am I glad that I stayed true to form? I guess. I have to maintain some integrity as an artist. But if I ever sit down to watch Rubber again I will definitely have a bottle of whiskey at my disposal to help me get centered to fully appreciate the awesomeness that this movie surely is. I implore you to do the same. But if you don't want to listen to me (heed my warnings fool, or else you may end up on the side of the road with bloody tire tracks on your corpse) go ahead and listen to this drunken movie commentary right now. Just don't say I didn't warn you...

Right click and Save As to download a copy of Drunken Movie Reviews - Rubberhttp://pookonco.ipower.com/music/dmr-rubber.mp3

I don't know if I have any more movies in my collection that are as fucked up as Rubber. But I will continue to look for these kind of flicks that no one ever hears about in an effort to give you the best drunken movie reviews possible. Of all of my efforts in the Pookon Empire over the past few years this has to be without a doubt one of my favorite ventures. I get to watch an obscure movie, get drunk and talk about it. How is that not the greatest thing ever? If you enjoy this segment then make sure you check back here on Pookon's Ill Blog as I'm sure to have a new review up every month at the minimum. In the meantime make sure you check out all of the other random shit I have here and I promise you some wholesome entertainment. Well, except for the wholesome part. I'm definitely NSFW here and you better make sure to hide this from your kids. Just like porn. Then I guess they are going to find it anyway. Nice parenting pal! It's not your fault though. Kids today with their Zimas, hula hoops and Pac Man video games have attention spans that can only be measured in nanoseconds. Since they can't stop moving they are sure to make it here eventually. Sorry about that. But if this is the worst thing that they find on the internet then your kid will be alright in life. You're welcome.

 - pookon -

email: pookondotcom@gmail.com

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