Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Drive to Stay Alive Ep. 24 - A Perfect Moment in Time

I've been doing this podcast since October of 2012. Wow. I can't believe that it has been that long. Most podcasts are done weekly or monthly or have some kind of a schedule so the listeners know when to expect a new episode. Since I don't have any listeners, I pretty much do it whenever I have something to say. What is the point of talking if you aren't saying anything? I haven't had much to say lately. In fact, this episode was recorded in March when I was driving from Las Vegas, Nevada to Phoenix, Arizona in mid-March but I'm not posting it until late August. So I haven't had anything relevant to say for the past 5 months. But I did want to post this episode because the drive to Las Vegas on Sunday March 16 and the drive back to Phoenix on Tuesday March 18 was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. There's not a whole lot more I love to do than to go for a nice long drive. When I'm out there I'm free from the World and free from my problems. It's just me and the road.

When I'm alone with my thoughts I can either go to a really dark place or I can get all deep and introspective about my life. Very rarely do I think positively or or have happy thoughts. That's why I try to always do something to distract myself from thinking too much. I surround myself with various forms of entertainment to keep my mind from wandering. But I can't ignore it forever. Those thoughts are there waiting for me and they will never go away unless I address them head on and start dealing with my issues. I'm no different than anyone else. People have problems. They just have a better way of dealing with them. I've tried a couple of things but this podcast helps in a way because it allows me to talk things out loud and be held accountable for things I say or promises that I make. No one listens to this nonsense, but there is always the possibility that someone might. And that possibility it what keeps me driving on. I'd like to think that someone out there truly cares about me and what I have to say. They say everything has an audience somewhere. You just have to keep putting yourself and your work out there until that audience finds you. But until that happens I'll just keep doing this for me. So here you go Scott. Here's a reminder that life isn't all bad. There are great things that happen and for at least at one particular moment in time, everything was perfect. Remember that the next time life gets you down.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive Ep. 24 - A Perfect Moment in Time:

This is a picture of that moment in time. It probably doesn't look like much, but the picture doesn't really tell the whole story. It was the open road, the setting sun, being by myself in a strange and beautiful environment, having nothing better to do and all the time to do it in. Well, within reason I guess. I did have to be back in Phoenix by 10pm for my 11:30pm flight back home. So I couldn't take all the time in the World but it was damn near close. For the most part I knew where I was going. Here's the road - take it to get where you were going. But since I have never traveled on this path, I knew that anything could happen down the road ahead. It was my sense of adventure that kept me going. I guess that's what keeps me living. There's always another adventure waiting for me down the road and I won't be able to experience it if I don't keep driving. I still haven't figured it all out yet and I doubt that I ever will. Maybe we aren't supposed to understand life or know how we factor into the history of the World. Maybe we aren't meant to ever figure out our purpose or the meaning of life. Sometimes things happen that we can't explain or even begin to make sense of. That's when I need to go back to that place. That one moment in time where none of that matters and I just existed in the middle of a grand adventure. Back when even for just a moment, I was free.

 - pookon -

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