The whole point of this trip was to spend time with James and Melissa. If that was the bare minimum, then we achieved our goal. But even though I'm one lazy ass bastard, I do more than the bare minimum when it comes to having adventures. I like to go balls to the walls until the wheels fall off. But I can't let the wheels fall because then the car stops driving. What happens then? The adventure is over. It should never come to that, so on this trip we added a few more things to the checklist. We did things like rage, try out some new shit and also anything that my Mom wanted to do. After all, she was the one bankrolling this little endeavor. So when the boss gives orders, you say yes. Fortunately for me (although I didn't know it at the time of selection), the boss wanted to check out The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.
I didn't really know anything about the mansion that George Vanderbilt uhh... built, prior to driving into the grounds. This was half on purpose and half on accident. When I heard that this was the plan, I stopped my inquisitive nature and decided to play the cards when they fell into my hands. This would allow me to live in the moment and react to every little thing that was happening around me. If I would have paid attention to history, television, my education in life and most importantly my mother, I would have known that the Biltmore Estate is like the largest privately owned house/land in the United States if not the World. I don't have my fact checkers on the payroll right now so I can't really look that up, but it really was something that I had to see with my own eyes before I believed just how incredibly ridiculous this place was.

I'd tell you more about this house, the grounds, the gardens and the winery, but what is the point in doing that? There's plenty of other things out there that can do that. You can read up on it on the internet, watch a documentary, watch Richie Rich or best of all, you can go there yourself. And if you do, make sure to get the kid's version of the audio tour. You'll thank me later. I'm not a big fan of dogs, but I kind of wish that Cedric was still alive so that we could hang out. I feel like we would have a great time telling stories to each other in the Lando Calrissian voice. We'd be best of pals and we'd always be in cahoots, using each other to get food, women and fireworks. We'd be the perfect team and no one could stop us. Of course this is all just speculation from listening to him talk for 90 minutes, but a lot can be gained in a short amount of time. So while I'm off finding out how to recreate the DNA of a deceased dog from 1902 so that we can start a unique partnership/small business/microbrewery/law firm/doggy day care/sweet shop/crime scene investigation lab/modeling agency, I encourage you to make plans to visit beautiful Asheville, NC to visit the Biltmore Estate.
- pookon -