Cat Stevens once said that "the first cut is the deepest". Well baby, I know. But the second day is the easiest. If you're like most people (aside from the homeless, the poor, people in 3rd World countries, etc.) then you probably eat every day. In fact, you probably eat 3 times a day plus snacks. We are just used to it. Coming from a middle-class family, I've always had food on the table and have been fortunate enough to not know what it is like to truly be starving. I've also worked every day since I was 16 years old, so I've always had enough money to afford the basics - food, water and shelter. A day without food is not going to kill me. In fact, it's a welcome relief to not eat anything. I wasn't hungry at any point during the day so I didn't even think about it. But today was different than most days, so it wasn't much of a challenge. On Friday October 2nd, I had a full schedule of activities that prevented the boredom from setting in. Like I previously mentioned, I don't usually eat because I am hungry. I'm really never hungry. I eat because I am bored. Today I wasn't bored.
I had my final procedure at the Vein Clinic and I got to see Nurse Sarah for one last time. I know it sounds weird, but I'm a little sad that my time there is over. I've been scanned, poked, injected and spent more time lying on the operating table than I care to admit. After all of that, you would think that I would be overjoyed to be done with all of this. But I've developed relationships with Dr Gariti, Nurse Sarah and the office staff. Hell, for the better part of the summer, I was there 4-6 times a month. And each time, I spent about 2 hours with these lovely people. We talked and we shared information. Almost like we were old friends getting together (except I was dressed in hospital gear and they were performing ultrasounds and sticking needles in my legs). I can't believe that I'm going to miss going there. But with the worst veins ever, there's reason to believe that I'll be back there some day.
I always scheduled these appointments for first thing in the morning so that I can still go to work. Since there procedures are of the outpatient variety, I can walk out and go about my daily life with nothing but minor soreness. Since I was out in Brookfield I went over to the house of my friend and (now former) landlord Carl to give him my last rent payment and to meet his new daughter Harper. I'll be moving at the end of the month, so life is about to get really interesting. I'm sure there will be more on that later. But I had to go to work. I got in around noon and I pretended to do things for 5 hours before leaving for other work at Miller Park at 5pm.
The Milwaukee Brewers hosted the Chicago Cubs in their 3rd to last game of the year and it wasn't even fair, as the playoff-bound Cubs defeated the Brewers 6-1. The only bright spot was a Khris Davis homerun. Work was hell but it always is on a Friday or Saturday night. I hate to openly bash my employers, but they have no idea how to run a successful business. It's a wonder I even have a job. Sometimes I wonder why I keep working there, but when it comes down to it, I love the people I work with and I really love being at the baseball game. Those 2 things overshadow all of the negatives that occur on any given night.
Coming back home after the game was business as usual. I would normally grab something for dinner (on a normal day, I eat breakfast, skip lunch and then eat dinner around 7pm) but since I didn't get home until around 1030, dinner would be late. But on this day, dinner didn't show up because it was an even day. So I had a couple of drinks, worked on the website, watched Twister and The Goonies and then I went to bed. And by went to bed, I mean passed out. I didn't eat a single thing today although I did consume some calories. I got a coffee at the bank (when I withdrew my rent money), had a coffee at Carl's house (when I was handing over my rent money) and then had a coffee after filling up with gas at Speedway (which had nothing to do with the rent money). My alcoholic drinks did contain calories since the whiskey was mixed with whatever, but I doubt that I even got close to 1,000 calories on the day. Seeing as I walked about 20,00 steps and burned 2,846 calories (according to my phone), I would say that today was a good day. Ice Cube style.
I kept myself occupied enough to not think about eating food. But today was not a typical day in my life. How will I occupy myself on the even days over the next couple of weeks to keep this train rolling? I have no idea. Something tells me that I will figure it out, as October is shaping up to be anything but a typical month in my life (with the move and having no set permanent location to live over the next few months). I'm guessing that I won't have time to think about it, which is going to make this experiment a piece of cake. Mmmmmm. Cake. Damn it. Now I went and made myself hungry.
- pookon -