I picked the perfect month to do this. Boredom is the first step towards relapse (or so I've heard), so I've been keeping myself busy like a little bee. I guess it helps that I found out about a week ago that my lease is up, someone bought the house and I need to be out by the end of the month. Doesn't really give you a lot of time to sit around and think about being hungry when you have as much shit to move as I do. My free time has been spent packing, lifting and carrying. The rest, rage and repeat. I do this all morning long when I wake up and all night long when I get home. Even though I still have 24 days in which to complete this transition, I'm not leaving anything to the last minute. I know myself too well and I'm sick of doing that shit. I am basically tiring myself out, which is good because I don't have time to eat. While one would think that I wouldn't have any energy in which to do all this activity, it is actually the opposite. I feel great. In fact, I don't think I have ever felt better. I don't know if it is cutting down on my caloric intake or the increased amount of exercise. It could be that I'm eating less junk food and focusing on the essentials. It also could be because I am drinking more water on purpose to stay hydrated and feel full. But also my procedures at the Vein Clinic are through and my blood could possibly be flowing correctly now. Better blood flow equals more oxygen in the body equals better sleep equals better physical well being. Whatever the case may be, something is working. And I like it.
Until I do my next weight in on Friday (which will be 1 week since I did my initial weigh in), I won't know if this has helped me lose any weight. While that is part of the idea of this whole thing, it's not the most important. It is more important how I feel. Even though I have only gone 3 total days without food, I can already tell that it is making an impact. When I do get to eat, I choose more wisely because I don't want to fill up on nonsense like junk food or wasted calories. So non beneficial things like ice cream or fast food don't make the cut. What's the point of eating that crap anyway except for the fact that it is incredibly delicious? It's a huge price to pay for how terrible you feel later. There is no nutrition there. And it is obvious that you don't need that stuff to survive. I'm not trying to preach or anything because I realize that I haven't done anything yet and still have yet to even scratch the surface of breaking bad habits. All I'm saying is that I get it. And I know what I must do in order to turn this ship around before it ends up at the bottom of the sea, Titanic-style. What? Too soon?
But slow down Mr. Reck. It's been what, like 6 days? You've been too busy to seriously sit down and let the hunger overtake you. It's like when Derek Zoolander was working in the coal mine for 1 day and said that he had the black lung. Talk to me after you've been working down there for 30 years. While I'm not waiting 30 years to find out the end result, I'll certainly wait at least 30 days until I prescribe this as the cure to my ills. I need to see what happens once I'm not so busy and boredom leads to stuffing my face with the closest available edibles. I don't see that coming any time soon though, as I have so little to do and so much time. Wait... scratch that. Reverse it. You know what I meant. I don't see there being a day in the near future when I am so bored that I can't think of anything other to do than to eat like a banshee. But let's cross that bridge when we get there. I don't have time to think about that now, so I'll see you all in a few more days.
- pookon -
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