I know that I'm not the only one who hates the Cubs. Take a moment go to on the Brewers Blog on the Jsonline website (http://blogs.jsonline.com/brewers/) and you'll find a lot of other people fed up with the Cubs organization. And according to the image on the right, even Jesus hates the Cubs. When the savior of the human race and the only Son of God hates something, you know that they have to suck. I've never know Jesus to be a liar, and I'm 99% sure he wasn't. If he was, then he would have been in direct violation of his Dad's commandments. I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what happens when you disobey Daddy - you get the belt. Nobody wants that, and even though Jesus had superpowers, I'm sure that even he could feel that leather striking him on his backside. You saw him crying in Jesus Christ Superstar when Pontius Pilate had him whipped 39 times. Jesus not only feels his pain, he feels your pain too. Jesus is The Man, and if he hates the Cubs, who am I to disagree with Jesus?
I'm feeling higher than the kids in my neighborhood right now after a come from behind Brewers victory on Thursday May 1, which I will discuss later in my Brewers @ Cubs Series Wrap-Up (shameless plug, coming soon on Pookon's Ill Blog). I'm pretty sure I used 1 of my Genie wishes, and probably 1 of my on a shooting star wishes today to ensure this victory and a series win over the Cubs at Wrigley. I wish that I could have been at the game today to watch the disappointment set in and watch the fans boo their own players. They deserve it, after throwing garbage and dumping beers on our right fielder Ryan Braun. How did he respond? You'd think by doing something classless like giving the finger or shouting back, but oh no, he's a classy guy because he is a Milwaukee Brewer. He responded by hitting a game winning 2-RBI double in the top half of the next inning. Sweet move Brauny. That one stung those fans and made them realize how worthless they are. Nobody messes with my team.
I'm sure there's some redeeming quality that the Cubs possess, but I'm too blinded by my hate to see it. You can blame me entirely for not being open minded about this aspect, but to be quite honest with you, I have no problem continuing my hatred for the Cubs. Just seeing that C logo pisses me off, especially last year when Cubs fans came to Miller Park when the Cubs were NOT playing the Brewers for the sole purpose of cheering AGAINST the Brewers. I'm sorry, but that is complete and utter bullshit. Granted, the Brewers and Cubs were in a neck and neck race for 1st place going into the end of the season, and I was definitely cheering against the Cubs, but i wouldn't go down to Wrigley wearing Brewers gear and do it. That's asinine. I just couldn't believe that I was seeing that. What a bunch of assholes. It's reasons like that why I hate the Cubs and all of the baggage that comes with them. There's plenty more, but those are a just a few examples proving my point.
It's going to be a long season battling and trading 1st place with the Cubs, but I have no doubt in my mind that the good guys will win this one and make 2008 the happy ending dream come true the Brewers have been waiting for since 1982. The Brewers are just too good of a team and the players are so genuine and deserving of great success for it not to happen. If it doesn't, I will view it as a great injustice and go on a hunger strike or something. Screw the Cubs, peace - I'm outta here.
- pookon -
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