Welcome to Pookon's Ill Blog - home of my inner thoughts, creative outbursts and random thoughts. This site contains such original classics as "It's in My Head", "Pickle the Day" and a multitude of other reoccurring features. I'm often a little too raw, truthful and honest at times so proceed with caution.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I'm Pushing 30...
...but I still know how to party!!! Yesterday was my 27th birthday, and my new overused joke is starting to get as old as me. When people ask me how old I am, I tell them I'm pushing 30. It's not that funny, I know. My last overused joke was a whole lot funnier. When people used to ask me what I was going to school for, I'd reply, "About 7 years!!" That one used to bring the house down. I maintain the fact that I still know how to party, but the truth is that I get partied out way faster and take twice as long to recover from it. Case in point - my family and friends too me out to a bar called RC's so I could go for the cheap Milwaukee beer cycle - Schlitz, Blatz, Hamm's and Pabst Blue Ribbon. And they're all just $2 each. What a great world we live in. I had enough beers at that bar, but decided to go out to Houligan's to drink from a boot. A big glass boot. There were 5 of us there, and we did 3 boots. Each boot holds about 2 liters of beer, and at 3 total boots, that's a lot of beer folks! I also did a couple of shots along the way between Houligan's and Vittuchi's, so by the time we got to this Mexican food joint Jalisco's, I was pretty Recked. Heh heh heh. The next morning, I was puking my guts out and stayed in bed until 2:30 pm. Even though I can still drink and party with the kids, I recover from it like a 27 year old. It took me nearly half the day (until around 5 pm) until I started feeling normal again. That's one of the roughest things about getting old. The worst part about it is that I don't usually have that day after to recover, and end up going in to work reeking of booze and looking like shit. Small price to pay for a sweet night on the town. I just have to learn that I am grown up now and have a professional job (and the khaki's and name badge to go with it) and that I can no longer call in sick whenever I want or show up but not do any work. It's rough, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'll always be a big kid and goof around and have fun and shit, but I just have to budget my goofing around time versus my super serious time. I think I can manage, but something inside me tells me that I'm going to screw this one up eventually because I refuse to grow up. So I'm going to keep on partying (it was my birthday, for crying out loud) until I can't party any more. I'm hardcore like that, and I refuse to be old and dumb. It may cost me a couple of years off of my life in the end, but who wants to be old when it sucks to do stuff? I'd rather live it up right now while I'll still mobile. Being old sucks, so I'm gonna rock while I'm still relatively young.
1 comment:
happy birthday..love you buddy..see ya the 31st.
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