Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pookcast Episode lucky #13 (actually 11) - Tommy's 21st Birthday

People only turn 21 once in their lives. Unless you are able to somehow buck the aging trend or get caught in some bizarre time loop like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. I happen to have found another way to keep turning 21. Normally I wouldn't share a secret this cherry, but this one is rather obvious - just party like you are turning 21. And the easiest way to do it is hang out with kids on their 21st birthday and get as drunk if not drunker than they get. Normally this is sad and pathetic, but my 21st birthday really sucked. So I vowed to make all of the remaining 21st birthdays that I attend better than my own. On July 20 (which was a Tuesday) I drove out to Madison to take my cousin Tommy out for his 21st. I took lots of pictures on my cell phone that have sadly been lost due to faulty technology, but after a night out at the bar, Tommy and I recorded an episode of the Pookcast. Keep in mind that it is about 3am and I had been drinking since around 630pm. But for me that's just like every other day. But this day was special because Tommy was here to bull shit with me. And it turned out to be a great ending to a pretty fantastic night.

Part 1

Part 2

I apologize for taking like 3 months to get this on here, but I just never got around to it. I know that I promised to do the Pookcast on at least a monthly basis, but as you can see I don't really get around to updating the blog too much during the summer months. I know it's a poor excuse, but I really need to be in the right mood and mindset to add content here. But now that episode lucky #13 (really #11) is up, I am currently looking for subject matter and people to join me in the next episode of the Pookcast. You know how to reach me. Be a part of history and comic gold. Take care of yourselves.

- pookon -


email: pookondotcom@gmail.com

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