Saturday, January 14, 2012

World Series of Beer Pong VII - Day 2

By Day 2 I was feeling better health-wise, but I was still nowhere near 100%. If I had to put it into a math equation that some of you could understand I'd say I was feeling like the square root of 7 divided by 3.41 carry the 2. Since I'm an athlete, not a mathlete I'm not going to attempt to figure that out. If you think you posses more brain than brawn then have at it. And get back to me because I'm curious as to what the answer may be. NOT. Yeah that's right. I went all 90's on your ass. What are you going to do about it? Challenge me to a 1-on-1 game of beer pong? Because you'll beat me. I promise you that. Given the way that I was playing at the World Series anyone could (and did) beat me. But at least things were looking a little rosier on the other side of the bridge on Day 2. But that still isn't saying a lot considering that we finished 1-5 on Day 1 and were losing games by 5-7 cups. Anything would be an improvement over that.

The biggest difference was my health. Physically I was feeling my age and walking around town with little to no padding in my shoes meant some pretty wicked blisters on my feet. And since I sit at a desk all day I don't get around much. I blame myself on that one, but my body isn't used to physical activity. So I felt like shit but at least I wasn't sick. That meant that I could finally drink in the morning and prepare myself properly for a full day's worth of beer pong. I'm one of those people who play better when I'm loose, and to get loose I need rum. And boy did I have some this morning. At first it looked like not even rum could bail me out of poor play. We dropped our first 2 games of the day and our losing streak had hit 7 games. All hell had broken loose and it seemed like we would never win another game. Now I know that I don't practice much back home and that I had low expectations for our WSoBP play, but I didn't expect to do this bad. That's why it was important to win another few games.

I don't remember how it all played out, but we ended up finally winning another game. I went to my record keeper (Facebook and Twitter) and found out that we won the game but our opponents made the rebuttle shot to send it into overtime. We couldn't even get an easy win. So it goes though man and looks like we had to really earn that one. But in the end a win is a win and our record improved to 2-7. Our next game went into overtime as well and I had to hit both kill shots to cement the victory to put us at 3-7. Last year we finished 5-7 and if we won out we could at least match that. But it wasn't meant to be and we dropped the next game to push our record to a disappointing 3-8. It was then that I guaranteed we would win the final game of the year. Using some wisdom from The Godfather I went out there with an attitude of "Just Play" and we won the last game on Day 2 to save a little face and end on a high note. 4-8 was my worst showing at a World Series of Beer Pong but it was to be expected. Sure it hurt at the time but the next day it was a lot easier to swallow.

I had to enlist Hummel to try and help me figure out just what the hell went on during Day 2. Because even though I wasn't that drunk, I was still knocked out from the sickness. I couldn't let that slow me down though because I'm only in Las Vegas once a year and need to live it up for those of you back home who live vicariously through me and follow me on Twitter. Speaking of that social medium, here are my tweets from that day which help to tell the story that my words both written and spoken may have failed to do. I still don't really get the point of Twitter but I suppose for me it is used to remember things and to entertain others. Hopefully you aren't offended easily and have a sense of humor. Because then you should enjoy the nonsense that I'm about to present to you. But don't say I didn't warn you...

@BPONG I want to set up a booth. $5 for photo + autograph from the Iceman. But I don't think I can afford to pay everyone $5. #WSoBP 
Hummel that Shit! loses their 6th consecutive game and stands at 1-6. This shit isn't even fun anymore. #WSoBP
Iceman is the worst beer pong player of all time and we are now 1-7. Talk about letting people down. #sadness #truth #WSoBP
It seems like forever since we won, but that's why it feels so good. Hummel that Shit! is now 2-7 and looking to finish strong. #WSoBP
Some random just came up to me and gave me a beer. Free shit. One of the perks of being celebrity. #WSoBP
Hummel that Shit took another overtime to win their 3rd game of the #WSoBP. Record now stands at 3-7. Oh well. #RFT
(Playing against 2 guys dressed as Santa + the Devil) Guy 1: I'm Santa. Guy 2: I'm Satan. Hummel: I'm Hummel. Me: I'm that shit. #WSoBP
Hummel that Shit loses another game and is now 3-8. So much for representing #Milwaukee. Oh well. Next year bitches! #WSoBP
Foreign Guy cheering against us: you aren't going to hit this shot! Me: blah blah blah blah, I have a foreign accent! #WSoBP
Hummel that Shit! finishes #WSoBP VII with a 4-8 record, which is our worst ever but ok all things considered. #PositiveInEveryScenario
I magically found my way back to Planet Hollywood to stare at the dancing girls. It's like I was meant to be here. #creeper
Just had an escort try to pick me up. She wanted me for my body, not for my wallet. She found me very attractive. #LiesYouTellYourself
I feel bad for her. She was smoking hot. She's probably not used to rejection and I hurt her feelings. #LiesYouTellYourself
If the conversation with the escort got into the negotiating phase, it would have been my first serious relationship. #truth
If the conversation lasted 10 minutes I would have updated my Facebook relationship status and took her to meet my mother. #truth
This gems gems gems game was playing this sweet dance pop "you gotta like it when it's gemmy" song. And I liked it. #LasVegas
#LasVegas plays me like a fiddle. The more loud and obnoxious the game, the more money I stick into it. #FIREBALL!!!!
Was having a bad day gambling until Uncle Gary showed me some new table games. $250 later and I'm buying everyone steak + eggs. #fantastic

I forgot to mention that my Uncle Gary drove in from Palm Springs on his motorcycle to come watch us play. I've been telling him about the World Series of Beer Pong for many years and he finally came out to check it out for himself. That was really cool of him to come and cheer me on and was just another thing on the long list of cool things my Godfather has done for me. When the "Last Cup" beer pong documentary premiered at the Times Cinema in Wauwatosa my Uncle Gary not only flew here from California but he also rented a limousine for me and some friends so that we could arrive to the movie premiere in style. That was wicked awesome and even though I was pretty drunk it is one of the best times that I ever had. I will never forget about that and if I'm ever in a position to do something cool for him I most certainly will. After we finished playing beer pong we went out on the town to do some gambling. And although I was content on playing the penny slots he wanted to show me how to play this 4 card Poker game and also another one called Mississippi Stud. Using his money ($100) I made a profit of $150 and he let me keep the original $100, meaning that (for you non math wizards out there) that I was up $250 bucks on the night. Seeing as I already won $250 on the American Idol slot machine the other night, things were looking pretty good money-wise.

I wish that I could say the same thing about my health. My blisters on my feet were out of control and I could barely move. I can't remember a time when I was this physically exhausted. My body ached and it was a challenge just to get up out of a chair or walk across the room. You might give me shit for whining like a baby but trust me when I say I couldn't handle doing even the most menial of tasks. I have never felt like that before in my entire life and if I hadn't have been in Las Vegas I would have stayed in bed all day long. It was kind of unfair because the mind was willing but the body wasn't able. I almost hate to say this but now I kind of know what old people and cripples feel like. It was like I was a prisoner in my own body. When we had cleaned out Bally's Casino of all of their chips (we are pretty high rollers after all) we went over to Bill's Gambling Hall and Saloon for steak + eggs at like 330 in the morning. It seemed like a good idea at the time and I think it's a good idea right now. If I was anywhere near Las Vegas I just might head on over there tonight when I'm good and drunk. I don't see that happening, but it doesn't hurt to dream right?

If I had a reason to go to sleep and rest up for the next day I would have done that. But for the 5th consecutive year (Jesus, has it really been that long?) my team has missed the Day 3 playoffs of beer pong. While that does really suck because it means I have no shot at winning the $50,000 grand prize, it does mean that I can whatever I wanted to do with my last day out here in Vegas. And since I have a checklist of things to do every year I'm out here I guess it's a good thing that I have time to do them. First on that list is to go to the In-N-Out Burger, which only exists on the West Coast. It's the one time a year I can get the most delicious burger in the world complete with some Animal Fries. My mouth waters as I think about it right now, but I'll certainly talk more about that when I cover Day 3 in the next post. Hopefully I was able to recap everything that happened today. If I missed something then it will be forever lost because I don't intend to touch base on this again. Well at least until I do the yearly post on But since I don't post that until September or October I usually just make all of that shit up anyway. 

 - Iceman - 

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