Monday, October 22, 2012

"7 in 7" - Go Bananas - Day 4 / Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 1

I really don't have anything of value to say today man. It was a very boring and average day in the life of one Mr. Scott A. Reck, Esquire. I had several cahnces to do something with my life today but I chose not to. I have no idea why because I was actually in a fairly good mood today as I went about my business. That's rather odd for a Monday as I'm used to feeling pretty down that my freedom has been stolen away from me by my white-collar job. But I was told never to bite the hand that feeds me so I'm not going to turn this into a job bashing session. You're welcome. You probably have your own shitty job to complain about and don't need to hear about mine. I'm still going strong with this banana thing and I found out today that it is an actual diet. I rarely reveal stuff about my personal life at work because it's none of their business but I let it slip that I was going bananas. My coworker then told me that she knew about this kind of thing and had tried something similar in her youth. I then had to tell her that this wasn't about losing weight (although I could stand to drop a couple hundred pounds) and that I was just going bananas. Of course she didn't understand. Very few people do. That's why I seclude myself within the confines of my home so I don't bother anyone. Leave them alone and hopefully they leave me alone. I am saddled with a lifetime of solitude thanks to my actions and behaviors. Or it could be by personal choice. Who knows man.

But even though I don't have a lot to say in text form I did have a lot to say in my new personal podcast which I'm going to title "The Drive to Stay Alive." It will be recorded in my car whenever I feel like doing it and it will basically be me trying to find myself or figure some shit out on my way to and from work. I call it that because I'm trying to find a reason to stay alive. A reason to live. Before you get concerned let me make this clear - I don't want to die and I would never do anything intentionally harm myself. I just don't have a purpose in life and I think it is in my best interest to find one. It will all make sense if you listen below or save a copy to listen to at a later date.

Right click and save as to download Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 1:

I've said all that I could for today. Sorry if you came here expecting the crazy that I promised on Day 1, but as I explain in the podcast I haven't felt crazy so I can't act like I am. This experiment is a whole lot different than I expected it to be and I'm hoping that tomorrow I will be able to provide some more uplifting content. But I can't promise anything man. I don't even know what kind of surprises that life will present me tomorrow so I can't prepare for what may happen. Instead I'm just gonna roll with the changes and stay flexible man. Have to be ready to take on any challenges or situations that life throws at me. Because we all know that life has an assortment of pitches but always throws the one low and outside that you can't handle. But will I swing and fail trying to be the hero or will I take the walk and get on base allowing the next guy to drive me in? And why does everything have to revolve around baseball? Why can't I focus on something else that I have more control over? Or even a sport that I actually play and not just sit around and watch as an overly critical analyzer. I'm lost now man, so I'm gonna go out and find myself even if I have to search for the next few years.  But with no map, no sense of direction and only a compass, how am I ever going to find anything? You just put Jack in the Shack, right? 

Bananas Consumed: 10

 - pookon -

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