Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 3 - Out of Time, Out of Love

So far this thing has been emotional and gotten me a little fired up at times, but this next episode is like you have never heard me before. I don't really want to get into it too much (because I'd much rather you listen instead of me giving away all the meaty bits) but I do breakdown a little bit and lose control of my emotions. If you are one of those sons a bitches who like to laugh at train wrecks well then you've come to the right place. You'll be excited to hear that I lose all control at one point and I needed to collect myself before moving on. Hope you get a good belly chuckle out of that one you heartless bastard. But if you are one of those people who actually have a heart then you will probably be surprised at how emotional that I get and you'll probably want to reach through the computer screen and give me a hug. Or not. Look, I have no idea how you are going to react to this or even if you are listening to this shit at all. Because I spend most of my life sequestered away from the general population I don't get any feedback from people regarding my multiple ventures. But I do know that this so called attempt at personal therapy does have some kind of purpose, but I'll let you be the judge by listening to this week's episode below.

Right click and Save As to download a copy of The Drive to Stay Alive - Episode 3 - Out of Time, Out of Love so that you can listen to it whenever you feel like it:

There's a lot going on in my life right now and obviously there is a lot on my mind. If there wasn't then I wouldn't have anything to talk about. If that happens then I no longer have a podcast. Where would we be without that? This thing is helping me to work out some issues both at the time I record it and a few weeks later when I listen back and reflect upon what I said and reassess my current situation. I'm hoping to grow and change with every week that I'm doing this but there is no way to judge it until I'm 2 months in or something. So until we reach that point I'm going to keep cranking these things out every week. Make sure you keep checking back here if this sort of thing tickles your fancy. And if it doesn't then why are you still here? Leave me! I don't need you! I'll get myself a new best friend! So go ahead! Go back to your fancy cars! And your big bank accounts! And your celebrity friends! And your beautiful women. And Victoria Silvstedt, Playmate of the Year... Fuck!!

 - pookon -

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