Saturday, May 12, 2012

Drunken Live Tweet - Ghostbusters - "Who Ya Gonna Tweet?"

Ghostbusters is my favorite movie of all time. I don't like to pick between all of the movies that I own, which is seriously in the thousands if you count burned DVDs. Nor do I want to pick between all of the movies that I have seen in my life because that number could be astronomical. But my top five favorite movies are (in no particular order) Ghostbusters, Baseketball, Beavis and Butthead Do America, Back to the Future and Almost Famous. But I can honestly say that Ghostbusters is #1 because I've loved it since I was a little kid and I still love it to this day. I've easily watched it hundreds of times and every single time it is just as entertaining, scary and hilarious as it was when I first watched it. Having grown up with the movie it made more sense as I got older as I realized that this really isn't a kids movie. There are so many jokes that went over my head and I still cover my eyes whenever the Terror Dogs are on the screen. The comic trio of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis is unmatched in most movies and the supporting cast of Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson and Rick Moranis are all given their chances to shine. To me it accomplishes a feat that only a handful of movies can achieve and that's a perfect blend of comedy, action, sci-fi, drama and horror and successfully blending them together. You may not be a fan of this flick but I challenge you to find another movie that is ale to do that. I'd say more about the movie but as you will see in a moment I already said a good amount of stuff about it the other night while I was drinking.

I love to watch movies. I love to drink alcohol. I love to Tweet. When you combine all of those things the result is a drunken movie commentary in 140 character bursts strung together by #Ghostbusters. I normally don't like to mix Twitter and this blog (much like I don't mix business with pleasure) even though I have a widget on the right that showcases my Tweets. That's because I'm pretty ridiculous on there and often talk without a filter. I don't give a shit who I offend because it's my story, my thoughts, my ideas and my sense of humor. If you don't like then don't follow me. So I'm going to make that ring true on here as well. If you are easily offended then don't read anything I tweeted while I was watching Ghostbusters. But if you do want to know what I think about the movie while I'm wasted then read on. Like I said, I've watched this movie hundreds of times but I don't think I ever watched it like this. 

I'm violating my no-nightmare policy by watching #Ghostbusters at 1am. But I'm counteracting it with booze and a #LiveTweet session.

I bet you I first watched #Ghostbusters on video when I was 6. It has been my favorite movie ever since. Scares the shit outta me though.

In a bit of library revenge, the Dewey Decimal System gets back at the Librarian for not teaching it to the public. #Ghostbusters

I like that we get Dr. Venkman first because it establishes the comedy in this flick. Keeps you on your toes. #Ghostbusters

Ray and Egon are all about science. Peter is all about the pussy. That's what kind of scientist I'd like to be. #Ghostbusters

Ray Stantz is my hero. He has so much heart and childlike wonder. I hope I grow up to be just like him. #Ghostbusters

The first thing Venkman does is fuck with Egon. What an asshole. But he's their asshole. Everyone has one. #Ghostbusters

When I was a kid I didn't understand menstruating. Hell I don't get it now. So many jokes in this flick were over my head. #Ghostbusters

Symmetrical book stacking. No human being could stack books like this. True. As a kid I tried. Couldn't get that high. #Ghostbusters

Listen! Do you smell something? Ray has his senses mixed up cause he's so excited. He's such a little kid. #Ghostbusters

I used to collect things in those bubble containers from the .25 cent vending machines, but never ectoplasmic residue. #Ghostbusters

When Ray yells "get her!" + she goes "ahhhh!" and they run, I used to run out of the room + around the dining room table. #Ghostbusters

Get her. That was your whole plan. Get her. If that was my plan I'd already be married by now. #Ghostbusters

Dean Yager looks like Mr. Rogers. It's not a beautiful day in their neighborhood when they get kicked out of university. #Ghostbusters

When they lose their jobs they drink cheap booze. See? Those guys are just like us. #Ghostbusters

They drink Hiram Walker booze. He started Candian Club in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I've been there. Nice place. #Ghostbusters

At Canadian Club distillery, @AaronSpiering convinced me Hiram Walker was George Walker, one of Milwaukee's founding fathers. #Ghostbusters

The firehouse is inadequate for their needs but at least the pole still works. That convinced Ray. Awesome. #Ghostbusters

Say what you want about Sigourney but with Dana Barrett and Ellen Ripley, she ruled the 80's. #Ghostbusters

When I was a kid I called the #Ghostbusters at 555-2368, not realizing that 555 numbers are made up for movies. 

I wish that my eggs would cook themselves on my counter. Would save me the trouble. But I don't want monsters in my fridge. #Ghostbusters

As a kid I used to play the top 2 keys on the piano to ward off ghosts. They hate that. I liked to torture them. #Ghostbusters

That's the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there. What a crime! Boy, do I know that feeling. #Ghostbusters

I'm not getting any readings. Are you sure you're using that thing correctly? That's what she said!!! #Ghostbusters

I loved the Ectomobile. When I got my license I promised that I would have one. Dreams don't come true pal. #Ghostbusters

As a kid I didn't know what a cosmonaut was but I assumed it was someone trained to fight a giant cockroach. #Ghostbusters

The #Ghostbusters had it right. You're supposed to shoot at the help, not mingle with them. 

Slimer is a ghost I can relate too. All that bastard wants to do is eat. He's not bothering anyone. #Ghostbusters

When I worked at the Pfister I finally realized a lifelong dream by doing the "and the flowers are still standing" bit. #Ghostbusters

Is Egon a Jew? I don't know if I was ever clear on that. Is he allowed to bust ghosts on the Sabbath? #Ghostbusters

Everybody appreciates a good montage set to a catchy song. Especially one that sounds like a Huey Lewis classic. #Ghostbusters

I never got why the female ghost is trying to blow Ray. She just wants to get with someone famous. What a slut. #Ghostbusters

Enter the token black guy. I love Winston because he's just a guy trying to do a job. He doesn't give a shit. #Ghostbusters

I didn't know Michael Bay played with Dana Barrett in the orchestra. Must be before he started blowing shit up. #Ghostbusters

When I was in New York City I went to the firehouse they used for #Ghostbusters HQ. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. 

I wish that I had a Twinkie 35 feet long and weighing approximately 600 pounds. I would destroy that shit. #Ghostbusters

I would never move into a building with stone monsters on the roof in fear of them coming alive and attacking me. #Ghostbusters

I don't get why Dana doesn't fight back against the Terror Dogs. She took down an Alien Queen but can't handle a pooch? #Ghostbusters

I modeled my Canadian accent after Louis Tully in this flick. Someday I'm gonna move up there and try it out. #Ghostbusters

Ok, who brought the dog? is a line I say when I'm nervous and something happens that I can't explain. #Ghostbusters

I'm 31 years old and still I have to look away because I'm terrified of the monster dogs in this flick. #Ghostbusters

Are you the key master? Hell yeah I am. And I got the key to unlock that pussy. Wait... what? #Ghostbusters

I want you inside me. Sounds like you got at least 2 people in there already. Might be a bit crowded. What a slut. #Ghostbusters

There is no @Pookondotcom, only Zuul. This whole time you have been following a Mesopotamian and Sumerian demigod. #Ghostbusters

f I hooked up my brain and the scan showed a terror dog, I might just have to end my life. That's no way to live. #Ghostbusters

If ghosts ever came back and the dead rose from the grave like the #Rapture said, I might just strap on a Proton Pack. #Ghostbusters

Walter Peck is a dick. Why does that tree hugging hippie give a fuck about the environment? We're trying to save the world. #Ghostbusters

Tree huggers can go to hell. By shutting off the protection grid he caused more problems than stopping them. #Ghostbusters

A ghost cab driver can't be any worse than that foreign bastard who drove me to Central Park when I was in NYC. #Ghostbusters

You know how I know Slimer is gay? He couldn't wait to get a hotdog in his mouth. Keep that in containment. #Ghostbusters

These guys are too smart for jail. The thugs in here would kick their asses for being different. #Ghostbusters

Did you ever notice that Carl Winslow was the jail guard? That guy made a career playing a cop. #Ghostbusters #DieHard #FamilyMatters

The Gatekeeper is waiting for the Keymaster. And she is also waiting for sex. I have never wanted to be a Keymaster so bad. #Ghostbusters

The walls of the 53rd precinct were bleeding. How do you explain that? Is that the menstruation thing? #Ghostbusters

Cats and Dogs living together is mass hysteria? Coach Bombay and Kevin Spacey get along fine. I don't see it. #Ghostbusters

Venkman said he's gonna get Peck a fruit basket. That's like giving him a tea bag. #Ghostbusters

Earthquakes can't stop the #Ghostbusters. Shit. Nothing can stop them. Those bastards are resilient as a motherfucker. 

I don't take the stairs up one floor at work. If I had to climb 22 with that gear I'd quit. I could never be one of the #Ghostbusters

Where do these stairs go? They go up. Ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer retard. #Ghostbusters

I don't think I could handle turning into a dog. Dogs have to poop outside. It's cold outside in the winter. Fuck that. #Ghostbusters

Gozer looks too much like David Bowie. Aside from his package in #Labyrinth I can't stand to look at him. #Ghostbusters #aLittleGay

Ray says "Aim for the flat top!" A few years ago the hair stylist messed up and gave me a flat top. I looked like Drew Carey. #Ghostbusters

Choose the form of the destructor. Does she mean Charleston Chews? Does anybody eat that shit? #Ghostbusters

It just popped in there... That's what she said!! Ha ha! It never gets old. #Ghostbusters

I like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man because he (like Donald Duck) share my philosophy - pants optional. #Ghostbusters

I'm just glad they didn't make him anatomically correct. Because no one wants to see a marshmallow dong swinging around. #Ghostbusters

Nobody steps on a church in my town! Don't worry, if it's a Christian church it will rise from the dead like Jesus. #Ghostbusters

James and I used to cross the streams when we peed together as kids. We called it sword fighting. It didn't end the world. #Ghostbusters

Winston says the job isn't worth $11,500 a year. Even in 1984 money that sounds like slave wages. #Ghostbusters #ALittleRacist

If I knew that crossing the streams with another dude would defeat evil then I would have been doing that shit years ago. #Ghostbusters

Walter Peck always gets his ass handed to him, whether it be marshmallow juice or Holly McClane's fist. #Ghostbusters #DieHard

I'm not a fan of getting messy and shit like that. So I know I'd be pissed if I was covered in Marshmallow Man splooge. #Ghostbusters

For being a dog she sure turned out alright. And so did that little guy. Nothing wrong with that. #Ghostbusters #aLittleGay

You love this town Winston? This town doesn't love you. You're just the token black guy who plays 4th fiddle. #Ghostbusters #ALittleRacist

I love a happy ending. That's why I go to Chinese Massage Parlors. It's better if things are all finalized. #Ghostbusters #gross

I used to run out of the room when Slimer rushes the screen at the end. Don't judge me. I didn't want to get slimed. #Ghostbusters

I've seen this movie so many times I've lost count. But obviously I can keep watching it over and over and over... #Ghostbusters

I used to tell my friends I would grow up to be a dinosaur. That didn't pan out, but there's still time to be one of the #Ghostbusters

Every time I watch this I'm reminded of why it's my favorite movie. So amazing in so many ways. Both then and now. #Ghostbusters

See that wasn't that such a chore now, was it? That's one in the box, ready to go. We be fast and they be slow! Actually I've done a few drunken live Tweet movie commentaries now. I can't remember all of them, but I know for sure that I did The Goonies, E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Zookeeper, Face Off, Jurassic Park III and Dinosaur among others. I'm pretty sure that I have done more but I can't find them. Someday I will put them on here like I did for this movie but I really just wanted to get this one up because this is how I spent the first few hours of my 31st Birthday. I didn't even start watching the movie until 1am. I got drunk in a hurry because I was doing shots of Goldschlager and watching Ghostbusters seemed like the right thing to do. And boy was it ever. Sometimes I wonder why I am still single and why I don't have any friends, but then I look back through my Twitter feed and totally understand. Who would be able to put up with me? I'd change, but where's the fun in that? Besides, can you imagine what I would be like it I was restrained and had to clean up my act? That's nonsense. I don't want any part of that.

And now I'm going to leave you with a little 80's awesome/awful - Ray Parker Jr's "Ghostbusters" music video. You think that I was offensive and random? Get a load of this!

 - pookon -

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