Padre is Spanish for Father or some shit. As a born-again Mexican I should know that but I haven't taken the time to learn the native language. I've been too busy sampling the cuisine, shaking maracas and enjoying an afternoon siesta. But while we are on the subject of Padres I might as well talk about mine. My pops is an awesome guy when he's around. That's not really his fault because over the last 10 years he's either lived far away (California, Green Bay, Illinois and Florida) or travels all the time. Or if you ask the people who I work with he's up in space at the International Space Station or training for a Mission to Mars because I have them all convinced that he is an Astronaut. I have a lot to thank my Dad for (but not limited to) my love for Science fiction and most notably Star Wars and Star Trek, my love for nature and camping, being computer and tech savvy, my ability to think critically and being able to travel the country on his dime. I love my Dad because he has always allowed me to do whatever I wanted and never held me back. Plus he's always been there for me financially when I needed some money or needed a new car. He's bought me plane tickets to go to Vegas for the World Series of Beer Pong and to see him in Florida. During college I spent every Spring Break with him and that tradition continued for many years after I graduated college. 2010 was the last time that I spent Spring Break with him and I hope to resurrect that tradition in the future. So that's a little about my Dad who may or may not be an Astronaut. I talked about him because I really don't have anything to say about the San Diego Padres except for they are a bad baseball team. Really bad. But so are the Brewers in 2012. It's a wonder that we can beat anyone.
Former Milwaukee Brewers Manager Ned Yost, who I know that you all love so much , has been managing the Kansas City Royals for the last few years. I was worried that the day would come and we would have to face him again and we would be embarrassed by Yost. This was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened. What a joke man. I couldn't do anything else but shake my head and swear a lot. I haven't gotten as emotionally invested as I have in years' past but this one stung so much that it got me all riled up just like back in the day. Ned Yost just really irks me because he kind screwed us over in the later years of his tenure here by being a stubborn son of a bitch. Losing 3 in a row to this awful baseball team is the kind of thing that makes me just want to quit following this team and stop doing this weekly write-up. I have too much other things to write about and simply can't devote time to a team that frankly isn't worth it. But that's just how I feel right now. Next week is different and we can rattle of 4 of 6 and I'll be all happy and shit and rolling around in the garden surrounded by daisies. Even though they are not in season, I'll be sure to find some daisies to roll in god damn it!
Friday June 8 - Sunday June 10. Milwaukee Brewers vs San Diego Padres at Miller Park. Games 58 - 60 of 162. The Brewers finished a 9 game homestand at 5-4. I should be happy that we are slowly climbing back to .500 but I'm not. Against the Pirates, Cubs and Padres we should have done better. 6-3 was the minimum I wanted but still expected more. We need to go on some kind of a run. And I don't care if they won 9 of the last 12. Sure, nice. But I need more. For years I've been heavily invested in this team and for years I've been let down. But on to this Padres series. I don't know what to think. The Padres are bad, so it's no surprise that we took 2 of 3. And the offense put up some runs, but that was to be expected. But what I didn't expect was for our bullpen to nearly blow the game in the bottom of the 9th on Sunday. What the hell happened there? Had they not held on for that win I would have lost it, and it wouldn't have been pretty. That kind of nonsense is not acceptable when you are trying to get back to a respectable place in the division. But newsflash pal - we're only 4.5 games behind the Reds, so all we need to do is stay competitive for now and strike when the fire gets hot. Or some shit like that. Brewers 9, Padres 5. Padres 5, Brewers 2. Brewers 6, Padres 5.

Tuesday June 12. Milwaukee Brewers vs Kansas City Royals at Kaufman Stadium. Game 61 of 162. I don't get it. If that game was at Miller Park we would have won. Greinke just can't win on the road. even when he goes 7 innings, gives up 1 run and strikes out 8. If that performance is anywhere he should have won that game. But for some reason the offense struggles and they pick the worst times to do it. We needed this win. Coming off a 5-4 homestand with our best pitcher on the mound, we needed to set the tone for the next few days and keep the momentum going on the back to .500 climb. But like I've been saying all season, every time they take a couple steps forward they end up taking a couple steps back back too. It's unbelievable. They still have enough talent to beat NED YOST and the Royals and they let this one get away. I'm sorry, but losing this game today was unacceptable. And people wonder why I'm so down on the team this year. I just point to games like this and say here's my proof. Royals 2, Brewers 1.
Wednesday June 13. Milwaukee Brewers vs Kansas City Royals at Kaufman Stadium. Game 62 of 162. I think I can honestly say that was the worst game of the 2012 Brewers season. Think about it - Randy Wolf pitched one hell of a game but somehow hasn't won since April. The offense scraped and scrapped together 3 runs. Given their struggles it was impressive. KRod didn't blow it. But the Axford did. The 2 guys he walked came around to score with 2 outs. And then Veras walks in the winning run in the 11th. So that's bad. But the worst part is that you know lost the series to the Royals who were only 8-20 at home before this series. Add to that the misery of losing 2 straight to Ned Yost and having to salvage Game 3 to avoid the sweep and we officially have problems. Kansas City was supposed to be worse than us, but at this point I'm not convinced the Brewers could beat anybody. Not even my 5-year old cousin Joey's T-Ball team. Ok, so maybe they're not that bad, but at least I have more fun watching my cousin's team play. It's madness to sit down and watch this team. I have better things to do with my life. Royals 4, Brewers 3.
Thursday June 14. Milwaukee Brewers vs Kansas City Royals at Kaufman Stadium. Game 63 of 162. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, right? It's times like this when I wish that I didn't post this ____ on my cubicle wall so I could go on a Tim Allen-like rant. What the ____ just happened? What a bunch of ___ ____ _______ losers. They should so _______ ashamed that they got their _____ handed to them by the _______ Kansas City Royals. Piece of ____ team. That's what I thought the Royals were. But I was wrong. Garbage. We're _______ garbage man. These players can go to ____. Cody Ransom? Edwin Maysonet? What a _______ joke. Bunch of god ____ amateurs who couldn't hit off of a tee at a _______ t-ball game. That's cause they're too busy grabbing their _____ and _______ off. Probably thinking about guys too. _______ homos. ____, now I can't post this. People aren't that _______ dumb. Royals 4, Brewers 3.
Next up Interleague play continues with a trip up North (which I will be present for) to Minneapolis against the Twins and a quick 3-game homestand against the only remaining Canadian baseball team the Toronto Blue Jays. I don't really know what to expect because ever since I moved in with my roommate I haven't really been following the rest of the MLB because I no longer have the MLB Network, which is the single most sweetest channel in the history of television if you are a baseball fan. So we'll see how that plays out as I will be present of most of the games and I'll get a first-hand look at these teams so I can come back to you with some fantastic analysis that you have come to expect here from this blog. And did you also notice that anal and cum (albeit it a different spelling of cum in the form of come) was in that last sentence? I certainly did. Which is why I have now lost a few fans. That's why I could never be a writer in the "real world" because I lose all of my integrity when I see a word that makes me giggle. I can't hold back. What can I say? I'm just a filthy repressed old bastard. Deal with it.
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