He were at the tail end of what was supposed to be a soft part of the schedule. The Minnesota Twins, despite residing in our affable neighbor to the West, are a terrible baseball team. I have nothing against Minnesota because I've spent so much time up there thanks to my best buddy Mike Bates going to college and living up there. Major League Baseball instituted this "interleague rivalry" thing a few years ago but the Brewers and the Twins don't really have any bad blood between them despite playing each other in the AL Central prior to 1998 (when they moved to the National League). But that having been said we still should tear the creme filling out of them like me attacking the 35 foot long, 600 pound Twinkie mentioned in Ghostbusters. That's cause fat people like to eat. And we like to eat sweets. And if we are hungry we'll rip the mess out of anything that piques our appetite's interest. But sadly the Brewers would not win the series against the Twins and I wouldn't get my giant Twinkie. There would be a lot of sad (and hungry) people in the state of Wisconsin after this series and you have to start to wonder just what the hell is going on here if we can't even beat the Twins. This season may be over and it isn't even June yet. What the hell happened? I didn't see this one coming after we won the NL Central and made it to Game 6 of the National League Championship series last year. But as you have been seeing all year, nothing has been going right for your Brewers in 2012, and this series was evident of that.
The San Francisco Giants will always be a good baseball team regardless of their record because they have a good pitching staff. That, defense and clutch hitting is all you need to win. Sure I supposed some things have to go your way as well but at the core that's all you really need. That and a good looking woman to stay by your side as the troubles come and go. Maybe that's why my life has been pretty rough. I don't have a hottie to hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be alright. And then we'll take a walk through the town square while everyone stares with mouths agape as to how an ugly motherfucker like me could land a girl with an ass like that. Of course I'm just dreaming right now, because there is no way that something like that could ever happen to me. Maybe someday, but for now I'll just sit here by myself and wonder where my life (and the Brewers 2012 season) went wrong. How did they lose back to back series at home to 2 teams that they should be able to beat? Why is our offense so inconsistent? How many players actually like playing in Milwaukee? What the hell am I going to do with the rest of my life? And why am I not wearing any pants? These questions may never be answered. Read on just in case I address any of them.
Friday May 18 - Sunday May 20. Milwaukee Brewers vs Minnesota Twins at Miller Park. Games 39 - 41 of 162. On Friday night I was watching a comedy improv show featuring Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops. On Friday night those at Miller Park were watching a comedy show featuring the Milwaukee Brewers and the Minnesota Twins. What a joke. Two awful teams squaring off against each other. Yep, after this weekend I'm ready to admit that the Brewers are a bad team. Well, maybe not bad as much as inconsistent. How do you go from getting blown out, to taking a nail-biter into the 11th inning, to completely dominating and embarrassing a team in a 3-game set? It's madness to watch this team. You never know which team you are going to see. It's because of that why we can't get any kind of winning streak going or a nice run of 7 out of 10. I've got it now though. I've gotten used to winning. The past 4 years have ruined me as a fan. I used to love this team no matter what. I've sat through some dark days. When did I start having high standards? It's all my fault. Twins 11, Brewers 3. Twins 5, Brewers 4. Brewers 16, Twins 4.

Monday May 21. Milwaukee Brewers vs San Francisco Giants at Miller Park. Game 42 of 162. This was a painful game to sit through. The first inning sucked. That was why I was still in the parking lot ThROWing down some beers. Don't know why I didn't cross that out and start over. It looks like I wrote TRONing down. No, I left Jeff Bridges and my light cycle at home. But I did have booze to entertain me because innings 2-7 were rough. Then Brauny comes up huge (because no one other than Lucroy knows how) and tied the game with a homerun to deep left center, above the bullpen and where I was standing. And then innings 9-13 were again a snooze fest. This offense is shockingly bad and they are going to lose games like this all season long. The pitching was fine. When Randy Wolf only gives up 3 runs you have to take advantage of that. I'm supposed to make my judgement on this team in 2 days, but at this point don't we already know the answer? Giants 4, Brewers 3.
Tuesday May 22. Milwaukee Brewers vs San Francisco Giants at Miller Park. Game 43 of 162. I don't know if I care anymore. I'm still going to watch every game, work a bunch and go to a few, but I don't care. The record and poor play has something to do with it, but I'll be the last one to join the done club. It's just that I have too many real world problems to deal with and can't worry about a bunch of millionaires playing a kids game who can't figure it out and work together for a common goal. Whatever man. I'm so over it now. And I'm sick of the negativity. Yeah I know it's my fault mostly because I'm pretty vocal about how I feel with this crap. So let's find a positive in yesterday's game. Lucroy went 2 for 4 and raised his batting average to .344, tied for 4th in the NL. Aoki is looking spectacular with regular playing time and may be the leadoff hitter we've been searching for all these years. Corey Hart looks fine at 1st. Oh! And Rickie Weeks got a base hit! Well done Rickie. How about doing that more often pal. Giants 6, Brewers 4.

Wednesday May 23. Milwaukee Brewers vs San Francisco Giants at Miller Park. Game 44 of 162. Games like today frustrate me. But why Scott? They won today and the offense put up 8 runs (which is strangely becoming a common number of runs for us to score. Look it up). But this game frustrates me because of what will happen tomorrow (technically Friday - the next game). What's the point of winning a game if we can't start a winning streak going? Coming up next is a 3-gamer in Arizona followed by a 4 game debacle in Los Angeles (Dodgers). I know that I set today, May 23rd as Judgement Day but I'm going to hold off at least until after this road trip (maybe longer) before calling it. Sorry. My head says one thing but my heart says another. But how about that Jonathon Lucroy? What a stud. He's so dialed in right now it's insane. He better make the NL All-Star team because I want to buy his jersey. So do it for me Jonny Luc. I've been shouting your praises from the hilltops since Day 1. Even before Day 1 pal. Brewers 8, Giants 5.
I don't think that I addressed any of the questions that I posed to myself. That's because I forgot what questions I asked. Damn you booze! But I do know that I'm not wearing any pants right now, and I seem to recall that one of the questions was pants related. So if any ladies out there find a guy like me without pants sexy, then you may be a permanent fixture in my life from here on out. If you don't find that to be attractive then don't fret - you're in good company with all of the other girls in this world. It's all of you against me and even though I'm woefully outnumbered I will certainly take you on. So come and get me baby! That's about the best I got because I'd rather talk about my futility in the dating world instead of the upcoming 7 game raodtrip against the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Los Angeles Dodgers. I'm scared about the next 7 games because the Brewers (despite changing players and gaining talent over the years) typically struggle on the West Coast. This could get ugly quick and the season could be over even before the plane touches down back in Wisconsin. But we'll see what happens in the next couple of games. They have a better shot at coming home with a winning record than I do coming home with any girl. And that's a fact!!
- pookon -
email: pookondotcom@gmail.com
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