Friday, October 25, 2013

Pickle the Day: October 25th - Some People Call it Art. It's Crap!!

I'm probably going to piss off a lot of people with this post. I have friends who are artists and I stand behind what they do. I will always support someone who creates something and chases their dreams no matter what the odds or society tells you what to do. I just don't get art. Like the painted and sculpted and physical art. The kind that you see hung on walls in museums and dentist's offices. I consider myself an artist but I paint with my words. I'm sure that there are plenty of people out there who don't get what I do. I don't blame them. Most of the time I don't get what I do. But at least I can understand it. Every day at work I pass by these paintings on the wall and shake my head. They look like something a 3rd grader drew. I probably brought some of these home when I was a kid. My Mom probably looked at the scribbles and mismatched colors, said "Well that's nice!" and hung it on the fridge for a few days before throwing it away. 

I'll give you this - there are some pretty nice and vibrant colors in these paintings and they certainly do catch the eye. In a way they spruce up the otherwise bland office building that I work in. I guess that is the point after all. But I still don't get it and why these people are able to make money off of something that seems like anyone could do. These artists who made these probably have more money than I do. Of course that's not hard to do because a lot of people have more money than I do. I don't get paid a single American penny to do any of this crap that I call art, so if that painter sold one of his works for even a few dollars, they are already more successful than I am. So maybe that's why I don't get it. They might not be able to make a living off of it but at least they receive some sort of monetary compensation for their time and effort. I just miss out on sleep, interaction with females and bonding with what little friends I have left that put up with my bullshit. I guess I'm just jealous of artists for being able to do something that I can't. Maybe that's why I don't get it because I've never been able to create something like that myself. Sometimes you have to be able to see before you believe. Or maybe it's all just crap. 

The whole point of living is to learn, try new things and to gain a better understanding of the World around you. I don't know if I have done any of those things yet. But I suppose I should. And I need to stop dismissing things that I don't understand. Just because it is different than what I am used to doesn't make it crap. I'm not very accepting of foreign things. I spend the majority of my life inside of my little bubble and I forget that there is a grand World out there filled with wonderful things to be discovered. Every now and then I venture outside of the familiar but I always return back to the comfort of my home at the end of the day. I don't understand the unknown because I chose not to. You call it art. I need to call it art as well. If I don't learn to see things as others do, I am not living in harmony with the World. I will always be an opposing force that is causing conflict. I will be part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. This is no way to live. I've been doing it wrong this whole time. Tomorrow I will try to find some art. I will try to find some beauty in a place where others might see nothing. Or maybe I won't. That is the greatest thing about this adventure. I have no idea what I will see tomorrow and what pickle I will share with you. All that I know is that there is a jar of them sitting around somewhere and all I have to do is open up my eyes to find them. And when I do, I am sure to tell you exactly what I think about them.

 - pookon -

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