Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Write Month: June 11 - This Is the End

It's no secret over here on the blog that I love movies. In fact, if you are a fellow cinephile (trust me, it's not a dirty word) like me then you have been able to properly pick out the multiple movie references that I drop in each post. You're welcome. Tonight I went to see the new comedy This Is The End courtesy of free passes from my favorite radio station Sportsradio 1250 WSSP. If you are a fan of these actors from multiple projects including (but certainly not limited to) Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Freeks & Geeks, Undeclared, East Bound and Down, Your Highness, Superbad or any of their individual movies where they show up in cameos you will like this movie. In it all of the actors play themselves and basically make fun of themselves as actors and people. Their friendship is put to the test as the Apocalypse happens and they pretty much have to bunker down in James Franco's house and try to survive. I'm not going to say anything else but this movie went places I never saw coming and got more and more ridiculous with every passing minute. You can tell that these guys really are friends and play off of each other so well. There had to have been some fun times on the set where the improv just gets way out of control. This was the most I have laughed at a movie in a very long time and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves this style of comedy. If you don't like these guys or the movies that they are in then you won't like this. Plain and simple. But I didn't come here to give you my review of the movie. You can get that anywhere. But if you want to enjoy the film please do not read any reviews. You don't need anything from this movie spoiled beyond what you already know. But you came here for something else. You came here for the End of the World.

The End of the World is something that has been talked about a whole lot in the last few years, more so than ever because of The Rapture and the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21 of 2012. Obviously neither of those happened and we are still here. But there was a time in my life when I wished that God or some Natural Disaster did call me back to Heaven/destroy life as we know it killing me in the process. After by brother Timmy died I didn't want to keep living in fear of what life was like without him and the never ending sadness that was sure to follow. It has been over 2 years since he died and I have made some positive strides but it is important to look back on my past and see where I came from. One thing that I have always done throughout the good times and the bad is to document my life by pictures and words so that I am able to remember everything. I will now present you with some of the things that I have written about the End of the World. Click on the red links for those articles from this blog and The Daily Burner.

Pookon's Ill Blog: The Rapture (October 21, 2011) - I spent almost every day from April 24 on crying or in some form of sadness. Depression had set in big time and I tried to drown myself in a bottle of whiskey, rum or vodka or anything that could take me away from the hell that I started living. On one such alcohol fueled night I wrote one of the more serious things I've ever written. It started off being about me wanting to die but then somehow through God's love flowing through me (I often call myself an instrument of God), it turned around and ended up being more inspirational. I don't remember writing it but I'm very proud of what it became.

The Daily Burner: CNN Signs Morgan Freeman to Narrate The Apocalypse (December 15, 2012) - The Daily Burner is a site that Cousin Kevin and I started to be kind of like The Onion. We create fake news stories and sensationalize the mundane. With the End of the World in the news I figured that it would a make a funny story if CNN announced that they had signed Morgan Freeman to come on the air and act as a calming narrator while the World burned. In some weird way I could actually see this happening and if it did, I would probably watch their coverage. Who doesn't love the sound of Morgan Freeman's voice?

The Daily Burner: Litter of Puppies Prepare for the APawcalypse (December 19, 2012) - With so much in the news on death, destruction and sadness there has to be a cute or feel good story to balance all of that out. That's why I wrote this story. Who doesn't love a litter of golden retrievers coming together to prepare for the Apawcalypse? Especially when those puppies look to their hero Air Bud to show them how to be strong?

The Daily Burner: Tomorrow's Forecast Calls for Highs in the Thousands with a 99% Chance of Death (December 20, 2012) - In the event of the Apocalypse the news would still keep running as long as they could to inform you about the coming end of days. I have a feeling it would be business as usual in order to keep people calm and I can see them trying to give you a 5-day weather forecast. Unfortunately the world is going to burn so the forecast would be something similar to what I wrote. I tried to do in in the style of a weatherman and it works better if you read it out loud in that kind of voice and style. 

Pookon's Ill Blog: The Drive to Stay Alive - Ep 9 - The End of My World (December 27, 2012) - The Drive to Stay Alive is a solo podcast that I have been doing on this blog since October of 2012. The whole purpose of it was for me to find a reason to keep on living; to find my purpose in this life. In this one I talk about The Rapture and the upcoming Apocalypse (it was recorded on December 17, 2012) and offer some of my thoughts about it. This podcast has helped me to talk about my problems out loud even if no one is listening. I still haven't found the reason why I'm still here and other people have died young but at least I'm still trying. As long as I am alive I will continue to keep driving on.

I've always been fascinated by the End of the World, Aliens, Ghosts, the unknown, unsolved mysterious and all of that other unusual shit. I want to see all of them in my lifetime and I was hoping this would have already happened because I didn't have a reason to keep living. I don't want to die and I don't want anything bad to happen to any of my friends or family. But if aliens came down and started firing their lasers at us I would be ready for death. If massive volcanoes opened up and fire started raining down from the sky I would stand outside and welcome the end. And that's all because my brother was taken from me at such an early age and I'm struggling to adjust to life without him. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to me and at least if I died we would hopefully be reunited in Heaven. And also if I died I wouldn't have to suffer any longer. I wouldn't feel pain, nor loss and I wouldn't have to be surrounded by sadness. I still have a lot of things left to accomplish in this life but if it were my time to die then I would do so knowing that I was ready. Screw it man - This is the End.

 - pookon -

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